So you might have noticed, but after seven years, my blog has a brand new name!! Welcome to According to Ana. 🙂
I’ve been thinking about changing the name for quite a while now, but just recently it felt like the time to do it. The blog is now seven years old and it just felt like time for a change. It also felt like the time for a good makeover. I hope you’re all liking the new format just fine! Same goes for the name! If you happen to find any weird bugs or link issues, feel free to reach out and I’ll see what I can do about it. The last time I updated the format here, things got a little wonky with some of the links and pictures, but it’s an easy fix. 😉
This past week I finished one of my summer classes, worked out, and spent a lot of good time outside. There goes another week of this summer! It’s crazy how time flies when you’re having fun. This past Sunday, on the Fourth of July, it was great to be able to spend time with my family watching the fireworks again. My hometown did a great show. Exciting little story with that actually: they had to break the fireworks show up into two parts because halfway through, something exploded on the ground and for the safety of the crew handling everything, they stopped the show, contained that, certified that the rest of the show was good to go, and then continued. My family and I had left after the first half, only to realize that they were continuing by the time we were almost home and lost our great seats. We still got to see the big finale though and it was great. 🙂 I’m just glad everyone was ok!
Again I hope you all like the new name and I’m excited for this fun little change! I hope you all have a wonderful week and I’ll see you next Sunday!