dear teenage girls of today,
the clothes we wear do not define us as a person.
our weights and sizes should not cause us to hate ourselves.
our hair colors,
our eye colors,
our body types,
our money, do not determine whether we are perfect or worthy of society’s acceptance.
society says to “be ourselves” but then shuns us for being ourselves the wrong way.
there is no wrong way to be the beautiful girl you are.
there are no amount of likes or followers on social media that should dictate your self-confidence.
there is nothing that shouldn’t make you feel worthy, welcome, or beautiful in today’s society.
teenage girls of today, there is no reason to scramble for people to like you. there is no reason for you to compare yourselves to others. there is no reason to hide behind a fake person, a mask.
be who you want to be, don’t search for approval. you are an individual, you are beautiful, and you are amazing. 🙂