And here we are at another Mother’s Day. Honestly, every day is Mother’s Day but I think a designated day for our moms is pretty great. Here’s some things I’d like to say to all of the moms out there.
Moms, thanks for all you do for us. Thank you for the late nights you stay up on the couch or in your room waiting for us to finish our homework or come home from being with friends. Thank you for worrying about us, even if we don’t like it sometimes. We know you care. We know you love you. We know you do what you do for the best. Thanks for the hugs on rough days and even on good days. Thanks for the good night kisses and tucking us in, even if we are teenagers. Haha, that would be me in particular. Thank you for going on shopping trips and quick grocery store trips and trips to Target when we forget something for a project at school.
Thanks for keeping our dreams alive. Sometimes we get frustrated and upset and worry that what we want to do will never happen. You push us and force us to keep our dreams in sight. With you, we never lose our track. Moms, you’re our rocks. You keep us humble and keep us hopeful. You also keep us in line. You teach us right from wrong and do your best to keep us from doing stupid things. Thank you for the long talks about silly friend drama at school and issues we may have. These talks help make us more comfortable and feel understood. Your stories of similar accounts make us feel human and not alone.
You inspire us, make us happy, and drive us to be perfect, like you all are. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. You are amazing, beautiful, and wonderful people that we all revere and appreciate so much. We love you!