Wowza! Junior prom came and went and boy did I have a blast! Here’s a little on how my prom and after-prom went.
My school is pretty awesome and was fortunate enough to book the Downtown Aquarium for our prom! I haven’t been to the aquarium in a long time so I was pretty pumped when we got the chance to dance the night away there. The aquarium provided us with a good dance, a full dessert bar, and plenty to drink because MAN was it hot! We also had full access to the aquarium and I really enjoyed getting to walk around and see all of the pretty fish and sharks. One really funny thing was watching all of the other girls in their heels as they fumbled around on the rocky floor of the aquarium. I struggled with that too so I guess I should also be laughed at, haha.
I went with two of my close friends from school and we had a really good time together. We went to an expensive Italian restaurant not too far from our houses. Fun story now, I had a white dress and being the smart human I am, I got spaghetti, with RED SAUCE. Luckily, I didn’t get anything on my dress so I was pretty proud of that.
After we finished dinner which was around 8? we drove down to the aquarium. At the aquarium, we walked around for a while and then danced some. The DJ was okay, but not great, so it was hard to actually do any dancing. I saw a couple of my other friends at prom who all looked amazing and then after 10:30 pm, my friends that I came with and I got bored and decided to head to one of their houses to get ready for JAM, or Just After Midnight.
At my school, the after-prom, or JAM party is even bigger than prom. A group of parents work almost around the entire school year prepping for JAM. There’s always a theme and there’s always inflatables and arcade games and food and cool prizes that include TVs and other awesome things. After we got to my friend’s house, we all changed out of our dresses and into some more comfortable clothing so we could bounce and run around. A little after midnight, we headed to the school and had a blast at JAM.
This year’s theme was all sorts of games ranging from board games to mobile games and video games, which was sweet! At JAM, by winning games and even just participating in games, we earned JAM bucks and got to spend them at the JAM store where there was a variety of prizes. I played real-life Mario Kart and went down inflatable slides and pushed around an inflatable wrecking ball and even jumped on one of those indoor bungee things with a trampoline! I ate Chick-Fil-A and s’mores and did an escape room with my friends and just had a great time. As JAM came to a close, I dashed to the JAM store and purchased a nerd emoji pillow (I’m a dork) and this cool hair thing from Chi, which is one of my favorite haircare brands. I didn’t win any of the ultra-mega huge prizes like the TV or the cool bike, but I had a great time with my friends and that means a lot more. 🙂
I am definitely exhausted today, as I sit here and write this blog. I got home around 4:30 am and slept until noon today! I’m so glad that I went with the people I did. It may have been quieter and more low-key than some groups, but at least I didn’t get wasted, or flat out drunk like some kids. In my mind, you can have a great time at prom and really any school dance without doing all of that crap. You can enjoy your friends and make actually good memories by staying clean. It’s more important that I was safe and not stupid. This prom is going to definitely be a memory I’ll cherish forever. 🙂