Marty and Boo the Adorable Two

In case you didn’t know already, I have two wire-haired bundles of energy named Marty and Boo who are seven and six. I feel like I haven’t written about them as much as I could be and now felt like a good time to write about them.

We got Marty six days after my tenth birthday and I had never been more excited to get anything in my entire life. He had a little black and orange bow attached to his tiny blue collar and his tail was wagging a hundred miles a minute when he saw us for the first time. We got Marty from a dachshund breeder in Cortez, Colorado and she did an amazing job prepping him to live with us. Marty already knew how to sit, sit pretty, and roll over for belly rubs. He was also potty-trained too which was so helpful for us. Since that first day with our little Mar, he’s been a wonderful, silly, and SUPER smart companion.

Marty and Boo

We got Boo a short year and a half later from the same breeder. We knew that Marty was lonely when we left the house, and so getting him a little brother was good decision. Boo was so much smaller than Marty when we first got him and he was the shyest and sweetest little dachshund I ever met. Boo has a really cute little bunch of silver hair on his head that sticks up on its own when it gets long enough and his left ear sits funny. We call it his “awkward ear” and Boo also earned the nickname, Punk Skunk after the silver streak top of his head. Anyways, Boo and Marty have gotten along great and have been the best playmates and brothers ever, even if Marty considers himself alpha around Boo.

Marty and Boo

Both Marty and Boo are super smart, cute, and talented. They also have a strong passion for eating. (Who doesn’t?!) Marty and Boo both know how to do the basics like sit, sit pretty, fetch, speak, and so on. Marty also knows how to say my mom’s name and beg for carrots. Boo prefers to bark at my family until he gets what he wants. On top of that, Boo enjoys singing along when I play the piano. He pulls the notes and gets louder and quieter as I do. It’s adorable! They both know the words “squirrel”, “car trip”, “walk”, “up”, and “upstairs” very well. Marty and Boo eat a wide variety of things, including Eukanaba specific breed food (Dachshund), carrots, cheese, celery, cucumbers, spaghetti, chicken, rice, apples, and so much more. I’m pretty sure I could write a solid blog post about all of the things my doggies eat… I’ll save that for later if I ever need to.

On the way to New Mexico, I decided Marty needed to try on my sunglasses. Definitely a good idea.
On the way to New Mexico, I decided Marty needed to try on my sunglasses. Definitely a good idea.
Marty and Boo
Boo was probably just about to start barking in this picture.

So that’s Marty and Boo! I’ll probably write more about them in the future so I hope you look forward to that! If you’re interested in getting a furry, four-legged companion, and specifically a dachshund, click here for the link to the breeder that my family and I got Marty and Boo from. I know that their wait list is pretty long for puppies right now, but it’ll definitely be worth the wait if you’re interested. In addition to that, Marty and Boo are on Instagram at martyandboo if you’d like to follow them there.


Dachshunds are great dogs. They’re super smart, adorable, and active pets. Marty and Boo are two of the most amazing creatures I’ve ever met and I’m so glad to have my fuzzy little boys in my life.