Alausí, Ingapirca, and Cuenca, Oh My!

I’m just going to go ahead and kill three birds with one stone in this post. I’m still writing about my time in Ecuador and this week, I’m talking about three of the short stops we made toward the end of my study abroad- Alausí, Ingapirca, and Cuenca. Alausí was a small town and our… Continue reading Alausí, Ingapirca, and Cuenca, Oh My!


Again, running out of creative titles here, haha. And we’re continuing right where we left off. I was leaving Baños and on my way to Riobamba with my study abroad program. I don’t remember how long the bus ride was, but it was broken up into segments. During one of our stops, we had the… Continue reading Riobamba!

My Ecuador Journals: Summing Up My Time in Ecuador

I’m back! And oh boy does it feel good to be home. I really enjoyed my time in Ecuador but after getting food poisoning and catching a cold toward the end of my study abroad program, it sure feels good to be home. For my business minor, there was a two-week course offered through my… Continue reading My Ecuador Journals: Summing Up My Time in Ecuador

A Birthday Weekend in New Mexico

This past weekend was another visit to New Mexico. Road trips can be pretty fun! We celebrated my aunt and dad’s birthday on Saturday and then just spent quality time with family which is always good. 🙂 We left on Friday with my whole gang, dogs and all and enjoyed a nice and cool drive… Continue reading A Birthday Weekend in New Mexico

A Quick California Trip

I’m sitting on a plane writing this and it most definitely won’t be uploaded until late tonight. Oopsies! I just had a wonderful weekend in California. I went to visit one of my really good friends from school. Her and her family live in Sacramento and were wonderful in letting me stay at their house… Continue reading A Quick California Trip

One of My Favorite Places on Earth

As many of you know, I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to the island of Oahu this past summer after my high school graduation. This past week was a rough week of tests and speeches, so during one of my study breaks, I took some time to look through my camera roll on my… Continue reading One of My Favorite Places on Earth

The Last Two Days of My Hawaiian Trip

I hope you all have been enjoying these posts about my trip to Oahu. Sorry if there hasn’t been a lot of variety the past month and a halfish, I just didn’t want my posts about Hawaii to basically be novels. Some of them still are, but that’s fine. Anyway. Onto the last two days… Continue reading The Last Two Days of My Hawaiian Trip

Stories about Snorkeling

I originally thought about calling this blog Snorkel Sunday, but I decided that wouldn’t really make sense because I snorkeled on a Thursday, so that’s that. On to the actual blog now! My aunt and uncle found a place on Oahu that rents out snorkel equipment and a great tour place that offers snorkel tours.… Continue reading Stories about Snorkeling

Curling Into Coconuts at Kualoa Ranch

Coconut day! I mean ziplining day! There’s this really cool ranch that’s more on the north shore of Oahu called Kualoa Ranch. At Kualoa Ranch there have been a multitude of great movies and TV shows filmed which is super cool. I even got to see sets for the new Jurassic World movie! In addition… Continue reading Curling Into Coconuts at Kualoa Ranch

Memorial Day in Hawaii and Iolani Palace

Just a quick note before I get started here. I decided to combine Memorial Day and the day after into this blog post because they go very well together. So bring out that cup of coffee and kick your feet back, because this is gonna be a long one! So on Memorial Day, we were… Continue reading Memorial Day in Hawaii and Iolani Palace