Tag: thankful

  • A Much Appreciated Thanksgiving Break

    To those of you in the United States, I hope you enjoyed a restful and good Thanksgiving. I always enjoy Thanksgiving and think it’s a great day to reflect on everything there is to be thankful for. If you’re not in the States, I hope you also had a great, restful, and enjoyable week.

    You all have NO idea how much I needed this Thanksgiving break. I’m so thankful that my university gives me a week off, especially considering that I haven’t had a day off from school since Labor Day. It was a much needed and appreciated break, let me tell you.

    I started off my break doing absolutely nothing. I think by Tuesday, I was doing some homework but it was refreshing to think about everything that wasn’t school for at least three days. Wednesday, I went to a volleyball game with my family and I haven’t been to one in a long time so that was actually a lot of fun. After the game, we went to the mall to look at some things for Christmas. The mall was pretty busy and it was honestly really comforting to see it with more people around. It was something familiar again. While the mall is definitely more stressful that way, I forgot what it was like to be around so many people! To our surprise, it was snowing when we left the mall. It’s about time Colorado. We haven’t had any snow yet this year so it was nice to see it. 😊

    Thursday- the big turkey day. I had the chance to help my mom with the food for Thanksgiving this year and it was honestly a lot of fun!! it was a lot of work but it was so worth it. We made our own pumpkin pies and for two of them, we also made the crust. After this year’s Thanksgiving, I have decided that I can only have homemade pumpkin pie. It really is the best!! If you’re ever interested in our recipe, let me know. 😉 I never really realized how rewarding it is to enjoy something you’ve made and see others enjoy it too. So fun. While it was just my parents and sister at the table, we enjoyed a wonderful turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and of course our pumpkin pie. My favorite food this year was the green bean casserole. It has typically always been mashed potatoes with a truckload of gravy glazing it in the past but this year, the green beans were the winner for me! Aside from the meal, it was wonderful to spend a nice, relaxing day with my family. We also had the ability to Skype with my aunt and uncle that night which was another great treat. I haven’t seen them since this summer so it was great to see them again, even if it was virtually.

    After a great Thanksgiving, the week was very low-key. Friday was a fun day too- my sister helped me take some graduation pictures! On top of that, the rest of my break was some tennis, some working out, and also some shopping, and a lot of homework. I feel recharged and ready to finish up my last semester of undergrad now. It’s crazy to think that I have two weeks left of classes and then finals and then graduation!! Exciting things are coming! I hope you all have a wonderful week! ❤️

    Thanksgiving Break
  • Happy Upcoming Thanksgiving!

    happy upcoming thanksgiving
    Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

    To those of you in the United States, I just wanted to wish you all a very happy upcoming Thanksgiving! I hope you are all doing well, staying safe, and staying healthy out there. Things have been everything but normal this year and there a lot of things that have really frustrated and upset me this year. I bet we can all agree with that statement in some way. Regardless of the many challenges and struggles our world has faced this year, I think it’s always very important to focus on the positives and the little things we have to be thankful every single day. I just wanted to take some time to reflect on some of those things. 🙂 Hopefully you have some time to do the same this week.

    1. I am thankful for my health. I am thankful that my university has given me so many opportunities to get tested for COVID-19, even if I haven’t necessarily been happy with it at the time. This has provided me with some peace of mind, even if I knew I was perfectly healthy without the test.
    2. I am thankful for my family and friends. My family and friends have been nothing but supportive, caring, wonderful, and awesome beings. I’m so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life.
    3. I am thankful for my education. I feel fortunate for the knowledge I have and the opportunities that my school has given me so far. I look forward for all that is still to come.
    4. I am thankful for my faith. It has allowed me to find more peace of mind. I know to trust in God and all will be okay.
    5. I am thankful for the beautiful state I call home. I don’t know what I would do without my mountain view every day. Thank you for being you, Colorado.
    6. I am thankful for all of you. Thank you for being here and taking time to read this post and every other post.

    I hope you all have a chance to reflect on the things that matter the most to you today, tomorrow, and every other day. Even the little things can mean a lot. Have a wonderful week and happy upcoming Thanksgiving! Stay safe and stay healthy.

  • A Much Needed Break

    A much needed break

    That was a WONDERFUL break, oh my goodness. I hope you all enjoyed time with family and friends this past week, and especially on Thanksgiving. I sure know I did!

    When I first got home from school last weekend, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Marty, Boo, or Bobo so excited. I’ve been home for weekends, but I think they could tell I was staying for a longer period of time, which was adorable. My mom, dad, and sister, were excited too of course! I really missed seeing them every day. 🙂 I love my family and I’m so glad I chose to attend an in-state college. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t come home on weekends.

    At the beginning of the week, I got back into the swing of tennis which was amazing. I played like I haven’t played in a few weeks so it was quite the scene, but I enjoyed it. Hitting with my dad and sister again was so much fun. Just in general, not having to think about chemistry and my typical pile of homework was FUN!

    As usual, my family and I went to New Mexico to spend time with my aunt, uncle, and grandpa for Thanksgiving which is always a great time. I’m sad we had to come back early this time around though. The weather was crummy yesterday and I had to be back to school today, so we drove back yesterday.

    The time I get to spend with family is always great though. Even though it’s short, we make the most of it. Thanksgiving itself was filled with A LOT of great food and of course, my favorite, pumpkin pie. I get a little too excited for dessert on Thanksgiving because I absolutely love pumpkin pie. I’m pretty sure I ate an entire pumpkin pie by myself throughout my weekend in New Mexico. My family and I played fun games, ate some more, went on a ride with my grandpa (he loves going out to see the airport), and caught up with my aunt and uncle.

    And of course, there was homework for me to do too. I had a speech to write, project to watercolor, and a gigantic post lab to finish for my chemistry lab. I got it all done, but doing homework over break really sucks. I can’t wait for winter break! There will be no homework for six whole weeks and when I come back to school, I’ll be in totally different classes. I’m pumped.

    Only two more weeks til finals and then it’s winter break! Once again, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and if you were on break, I hope you enjoyed that too. 🙂 Have a great week everyone, and remember to find something to be thankful for every day.

  • Thankful


    Thank God this past week is over! Wow was that rough. All of my professors and TA’s decided this week was the best week to turn in papers and lab reports and also take exams. I’m SO glad it’s over.

    As we approach Thanksgiving, once again, I just wanted to take some time to talk to you all about the importance of being thankful. When I say this, I don’t mean that we just need to be thankful on Thanksgiving. Being thankful for EVERYTHING is important on a daily basis. There is so much that we take for granted from day-to-day, and that’s not how life should be at all. It’s a miracle that I’m sitting here writing this blog to you all and it’s a miracle that you’re sitting on the other end reading it! 

    Throughout the month, I’ve taken time to reflect on what I’m thankful for every day. I was really wanting to add this list up to 30, for each day of November, but I feel like this is something I’ll continue doing anyway. By taking time to recognize all the good in my life, I feel like there’s really not a lot I can complain about! 

    Here are 18 things I’m thankful for:

    1. It’s November! This year has really flown by.
    2. The fact that I get to help my mom volunteer at COMOM tomorrow.
    3. My mom who helps keep my teeth in good shape and a family that can afford dental care.
    4. Time with family, especially my health and ability to play tennis with my dad and sister 🙂
    5. Pre-dental club and wax whittling (I’m a dork)
    6. The fact that I can handle an honors section biology class. I’m also extremely thankful for Harry Potter and that entire world. In my honors seminar on children’s literature we are reading Harry Potter and I love it way too much. Proud Gryffindor 🙂
    7. Wednesdays. It’s almost the end of the week!
    8. Fun and cool lab substitutes for my honors section biology lab
    9. Fun emails from my dad about foxes creeping into peoples’ yards
    10. Weekends! Sleeping in is pretty great too
    11. Brunch with my roommate and honorary roommate (I say this because she’s in our room more than she is in her own)
    12. No more homework in my honors recitation! Good meetings with pre-health advisors are great too. I feel so much more sure of what I want to do in my life 🙂
    13. Discipline to study hard and hopefully do well on my biology exam (Thanks Mom and Dad!)
    14. My adorable sister who is so so so excited for me to come home (Me too Allyson, I can’t wait!!)
    15. My lab TA for chemistry. He’s a really good guy and he’s also not bad looking (haha). He’s helped me a lot this semester. 
    16. Getting an 85% on my chem exam! This last exam was super duper hard and a bunch of people I talked to failed the exam. I’m thankful for my abilities to study (once again) and go with my gut. Hard work pays off!
    17. BEING HOME! I missed my family and also my doggies and bird. 
    18. Showering without shoes. I’ve been showering in flip flops for the past 3 months and the communal bathrooms are pretty nasty. They’re cleaned daily and I’m so grateful to the cleaning staff (I couldn’t do what they do!) but the fact that a bunch of other girls use the same shower that I use kinda freaks me out.

    Even the little things in life mean a lot. It’s all about perspective. If you ever feel like your life sucks or you’re hitting a rough patch, find one thing to be thankful for. I bet you that someone in the world has it much worse than you do, so that’s important to recognize. 

    I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week and I hope that you all get to enjoy some quality time with friends and family. If you’re in college, like moi, and are on break, you deserve it! I don’t know about you, but I SOOOO needed this break. Honestly, everyone deserves this break. Have a great week everyone! Don’t forget to be thankful. 🙂