Tag: thank you

  • 10,000 Thanks

    10000 thanks

    This past Monday, this blog hit a big milestone in my opinion. We reached 10,000 views! To some of you, you may be thinking, “Yeah, 10,000 views, whatever. That really means nothing. Not that big of a deal.” That’s ok if that’s what you think, but to me, this was a pretty big deal. That means that people are reading this blog and what I write! And hopefully that means that you’re enjoying what I’m writing and feel inclined to come back every week. So for that, and for this week’s blog I’d just like to take some time to reflect on the life of my blog and say thank you, 10,000 times.

    I really never thought this blog would amount to anything to be completely honest. I started doing this all for myself to share my love for writing and put my thoughts and feelings and ideas somewhere I could look back on later in life but I never really thought that others would get on board.

    Disregarding my welcome post, my first actual blog post was published June 8, 2014 and it was about some tips for tennis tournaments. From there, I posted about a variety of things, that those of you who’ve been around a long time probably know about.

    I wrote about my two injuries, both to my sesamoid on the bottom of my left foot as well as my peroneal tendon subluxation and eventual surgery on my left ankle. During the two years I dealt with injury and wasn’t really able to play any sport at the level I was used to at the time, this blog and my website were a great place for me to put my energy and time into. I was able to share my thoughts and love for the things I do and love in life here and I think that my blog really helped keep me sane during that time of my life.

    I shared experiences from my numerous trips to New Mexico and also Omaha, Nebraska, New York, and most recently Hawaii. I’ve talked about all of my breaks during school from getting off of summer break, to spending time with family during Thanksgiving break, to the joys of winter break, and also spring break, which I recently came back from. Even just my adventures around Colorado are written about here on my blog, and those have been a lot of fun to go back and look through.

    This blog has been a place for me to share stories of times with my families and my sweet, amazing little dogs, Marty and Boo. And when Bobo, my green-cheeked conure became a part of my family, you all heard about that too.

    From the time I started high school, to graduating near the top of my class, you’ve been with me. From the beginning of my college experience to March 31st, 2019, you’ve been here too. From every goofy, random post about polar bears and my favorite foods to eat on rainy days, you’ve been here and listened to what I have to say and I really, really appreciate it.

    So thank you. Thank you all for being here to hear what I have to say. Thank you for sticking around, through good and bad posts and good and bad times. Thank you for hopefully enjoying what I write and giving me something to get excited for. Getting ready to post on Sundays has become one of the highlights of my weeks and thinking of post ideas has become a really fun part of my week too.

    So here’s to the next 10,000 views. I’m excited to see what’s in store for this blog and my website and the future in general! Thanks again for being the amazing people you all are. Thank you for taking a little bit of time out of your day to read this blog and spend some time with me. Have a good week everyone. 🙂

  • Three Years Later, Thank You All So Much!

    This is crazy. I can’t believe I’ve actually kept this up for three years now. Well actually on Wednesday it’ll be three years, but it’s fine. I’ll celebrate today. 😉

    I’d just like to give a big hug and thanks to everyone that’s read my blog. Whether you’re just now reading this one or you’ve been around for a while, thank you. I’ve been able to share my opinions and my writing with you for the past three years and I’ve loved every minute of it. I’ve written about everything from my favorite soup recipe to recently my junior prom. I’ve posted videos of my sister and I making Dubsmashes and I’ve shared a variety of quotes and poems that make me happy. I hope all of this has also made you happy or given you something to think about or some information you maybe didn’t know.

    Without my dad giving me this website, I might not have become the writer I am today. Thanks Dad! 🙂 I might not have had the confidence to write about some of the things I have on this blog and in school. I might not have become more open with my feelings and thoughts. Thanks to all you readers too for dealing with my feelings, thoughts, obsessions, and ideas.

    As of right now, I’m above 5,000 views on this blog which is above anything I ever imagined and this will be the 155th blog post. That’s a lot of writing! Some weeks, it’s been difficult to come up with actual ideas and so I’ve had to dig deep and sometimes they turn out really good and sometimes you get something really random like a post about fruit or polar bears. Sometimes I’m really passionate about something and you get multiple posts on that topic like with all of the posts about JFK and tennis, especially when dealing with sportsmanship.

    I hope this blog is something I keep up for years to come. It’s been fun to write and create posts for the past three years. It’s been fun knowing that people are out there reading my writing and hopefully enjoying it. Once again, thank you for allowing me to share my life and loves with you. Here’s to many more years of blog posts. Thanks again!

    Love, Ana


  • It’s Hard to Keep Up a Blog Sometimes

    With summer vacation drawing closer and closer as well as the dreaded finals week approaching, I’d like to give a quick warning to everyone that I may not be posting on time like I usually do and I’d like to apologize for that. Tennis season is also coming to a close and with our big tournaments coming up, I’ll be missing a lot of school which means there’s going to be a lot of make-up work. AHHHH.

    It’s hard to keep up a blog sometimes in that I have to make sure I get something posted every Sunday. For those of you who read this, it means a lot that you take time out of your day to scroll through my blog. For those of you who read this, I appreciate your patience when I suddenly disappear from the internet because I have a truckload of homework one week. For those of you who read this, I really and truly appreciate you. 🙂

    It’s hard to keep up a blog sometimes because I feel like I run out of ideas. I scramble around my house and through my school-work seeing if there’s something good enough to post here. I want to keep my blog exciting and interesting and sometimes I worry that I lose my readers because I don’t write about interesting enough things. Hearing from a seventeen year old who thinks she’s got a grasp on life might not be that interesting to some people.

    It’s hard to keep up a blog sometimes when I’m busy and super stressed. Sometimes I just feel like there’s not enough hours in the day to do all the things I want but I make the most of it. Some days I spend hours planning my blogs and making them perfect and making sure they fit the criteria to be posted. Sometimes, I don’t have the time to do that and you might find yourself reading something like this.

    It’s hard to keep up a blog sometimes because I love it way too much. You might ask, “But Ana, wouldn’t it be easy then?” And I would respond with a strong no. Keeping this blog up has been one of the most enjoyable and amazing things I’ve had the opportunity to do. I enjoy writing and sharing what I love with all you readers. I just worry about making things perfect and entertaining to keep you all on board. This has been quite the ramble, haha. Thank you all for being here with me.

    Until next week and also Happy Easter 🙂

    It's Hard to Keep Up a Blog Sometimes