Tag: study hard

  • Getting Ready for the School Year

    Summer break is coming to an end for students all over and now it’s time to get back to school. Getting back into a routine for school and being prepared for the school year can be tough. Here are a few ways you can prepare to tackle the 2016-2017 school year.

    Get to know who your teachers are early on. When classes finally start, introduce yourself to your teacher and make a good impression. You want to get started on a good note!

    Get all of your supplies within the first two weeks of school. My sister and I went to get our supplies this past weekend and school doesn’t start for us until this Friday. By now, we both have a pretty good guess as to what we will need as far as notebooks, spiral and composition, folders, binders, and other things go. Teachers will let you know if there’s specific materials you need in class.

    Train yourself to start getting up and going to bed earlier at least a week before classes start. You wouldn’t want to sleep in on the first day! It makes it easier to get up in the morning when you train yourself to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.

    If you have a special email account for school, make sure you’re able to access it before school starts. Many teachers like to get right to business on the first day. With technology being a big part of our lives today, it’ll be easier on yourself and your teachers if your account can be accessed easily without having to get assistance.

    When you get your schedule, see if you have any classes with friends. It’s always nice to see if you have classes with your friends so you can walk to class and even sit together, as long as there isn’t as seating chart.

    When classes start, start off strong. Do your best to get started on the right foot. Take care of all of the first assignments your teachers give you, stay organized, and if you have questions, it’s better to ask them early on so you don’t get lost or confused.

    Have fun and study hard! School can be miserable sometimes and it can get really frustrating. Just remember that school doesn’t last forever and you’ll want a strong education to be able to go to college or do whatever you want to do with the rest of your life.

    Good luck heading back to school everyone. Have a great week. 🙂

    getting ready for school