Tag: senior year

  • Hello to High School Tennis Season

    Girls’ tennis season has been in full swing since late February, and let me tell you, the weather we deal with SUCKS. It’s either windy or snowing or raining or freezing cold or all of the above. We deal with a lot of cold and by the end of matches, we all look like marshmallows because of the five layers we all have on.

    Other than the weather chaos we deal with, our season can be so much fun. I’m very excited to be returning to my team at the #2 singles position. I’ll get to play a lot of good tennis and work on a lot of things as well. For those of you who don’t know how high school tennis works, you have three singles teams and four doubles teams. #1 singles is typically your top singles player and #1 doubles is your strongest doubles team, so on varsity, that’s a total of 11 girls. When we play other schools the match is called a duel (but I’ve actually never heard anyone call it this, haha) and you’re trying to win a majority of the matches to claim the overall match for your team. Fun, right?

    Being a senior, I got to help pick out the uniforms and spirit packs this year and I’m very excited to be playing with some girls on the team for four years now. While some of us may not be that close, I’ve built friendships with some of the other seniors and I’m very glad to call them friends and great teammates. It’s kinda sad thinking that this is my last lap around high school girls tennis season but it’s truly been so much fun. Qualifying for state the past three years has been wonderful, especially considering my injuries freshman and sophomore year. Playing for the same assistant coach for all four years is also going to be great because I’ve become good friends with our assistant coach and she is such a joy and pleasure to work with. Getting to see my sister grow as a tennis player and make it past the first round at state (WHICH IS SO HARD TO DO, OMG) was inspiring and I felt so happy for her last season.

    All of these things and more have made girls’ high school tennis a memory worth cherishing and here’s to the best season yet! Everyone has been working so hard and it’ll be exciting to see where the season takes us. 🙂

    high school tennis
    Picture credits to Cliff Grassmick at the Daily Camera and BocoPreps. (Haha, look at my face!)
  • Senioritis is Kicking in Hard and It’s Not Even Winter Break Yet

    So finally Thanksgiving Break is upon us and I couldn’t be happier. School has been wonderful so far, I just always feel the desire to not do anything. Lately, I’ve really just been wanting to sleep and if I have homework that’s due but not due the next day, I typically don’t do it. I’m still working super hard in classes and my grades are the best they’ve ever been, it’s just that I’m pretty sure senioritis is upon me.

    I’ve already applied to the four colleges I’m looking at and I’ve been accepted into three of the four (still waiting to hear back from the last one). So at this point, it’s just the scholarship applications, yay?! Those are honestly, so much more work than I expected, but that’s okay. I’ve already written so many college essays and additional essays and stories about my life and extracurricular activities, that this feels like nothing. But I just wanna be done! Done with all of the writing and the stress that comes with it. That’s senioritis for ya.

    All I can think about is going off to college next year and what it will be like living without my family. I plan on only going to college about an hour’s drive away from my home, but the thought of living without Marty and Boo, my dogs, and my parents, and Allyson, my best friend and my sister is odd. Life will be so different. I think about what it will be like to live in a tiny room with another person that I’ve most likely never met and spend a whole year with them. I’m sure we’ll get to be great friends and it’ll be awesome. I think about what classes I might take and how that will get me into dental school so that I can eventually become an orthodontist.

    I’ve truly stopped caring about what other people think of me and spend most of my school days in leggings with a comfy t-shirt from a tennis tournament on. Freshman year, I told myself, “Ana, you’re not going to be like those seniors that stopped trying to dress nice and cute senior year. You aren’t going to be the senior wearing leggings and a t-shirt almost every day.” I laugh thinking about that, because that’s exactly what I became. I still have my days where I wear a cute dress, display my array of Alex and Ani bracelets, or wear some cute jeans with a nice top and some boots. I also have an increasing amount of days where I just don’t care what I look like. Frizzy hair? It’s fine. Same pair of leggings in one week? Honestly, no one will notice. Wear that shirt too much? Not an issue any more. That’s senioritis.

    I know I’m gonna miss the people I’ve made friends with and I’m going to miss the amazing school I’ve called home the past four years, but it will be great to spread my wings and see what the world has to offer. I think I’m ready for it.


  • Last Week of School!

    We are finally here! Finals week, whoop whoop. But then again, that means four days of more stress and awful tests, but it’s fine.

    Looking back on junior year, it. was. hard. I’m not even joking. I remember being a sophomore and thinking that junior year was going to be easy-peezy. I was very wrong. I remember talking to some of my junior friends and asking them about junior year. Some of them said it was going to be easy. Most of them said it was going to be easy, now that I think about it. Haha, they were wrong too. I did take three AP classes, so I guess that factored into the difficulty of the year but still. Oh, man was that rough.

    I spent so many nights crying and studying and crying some more. I had so many headaches and I’ve never seen myself more sleep-deprived in my life. I didn’t cry because of friend drama or anything like that, I was actually crying over my homework. I had a wheelbarrow of it every night, it felt like. But other than dealing with the academic stress, this year was actually the best. I had so much fun.

    I was in multiple organizations and clubs at school and those helped make my year amazing. I was healthy this year for high school tennis and finally got to play singles, won first in my region, and got to go to state for a third year in a row! Yay. 🙂 I was in NHS and had fun working with different volunteer groups to make my community a better place. In BLUE Crew, which is a group that helps the incoming freshmen transition, I enjoyed getting to know my little ninth-grade nuggets and guide them on the start of their high school journey. In student council, I had a blast planning events and I feel honored to be able to serve as one of the three co-presidents on the executive board for next year. I also was a part of Circle of Friends which is a club that partners students with students in the intensive care learning. I got to eat lunch with one of the sweetest and most amazing kids for the past two years now. I never saw myself doing anything like that, but now it’s something I’m passionate about and look forward to every week. The kid I eat lunch with has brought a whole new perspective of life to my life and I’m so thankful for the opportunities I had junior year. I’ll get to serve as one of the presidents for Circle of Friends next year too, and I’m pumped to do that as well.

    I kept the friends I’ve made over the past couple of years, grown close with some, and even made new friends that I look forward to spending senior year with. It’s insane that I’m going to be a senior soon. I helped escort yesterday at my high school’s graduation and it’s so hard to believe that I will be graduating next year. AHH!

    And so I should probably leave this post here, because I need to go finish studying for my physics final. Have a good week and best of luck to everyone taking finals! 🙂

    Last Week of School