Tag: Novak Djokovic

  • A Bit More About Me

    about me

    These kinds of posts are always fun for me to write. I wish that there was a way for me to able to get to know all of you, my readers a little better, but I’m not quite sure how! There’s a post I wrote in 2017 sharing a couple of facts about myself, and I feel like there’s a lot you still don’t know, so here’s some more stuff about me that you might wanna know! Check out the link that I’ve attached to read that post too. šŸ™‚

    1. I’m 5′ 8″. When I was younger, I also grew waaaaay too fast. My body had a lot of fun adjusting to that.
    2. I’m a biology major at Colorado State University. I’m in the honors program also and I’m on the pre-dental track.
    3. The Selection by Kiera Cass is my all-time favorite book series ever.
    4. I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 17. I was sick the day I went in for my picture also, so it’s a terrifying little card to look at. Haha.
    5. I love boots. My favorite brand currently is Freebird but I also enjoy a good pair of fuzzy, warm UGGs. Ankle boots, combat boots, knee high boots, you name them and I probably have them… I actually want to get a job at Freebird over the summer so I can get discounts on their boots and just be around a super cute store. šŸ™‚
    6. I’m missing a tear duct in my right eye. I can still cry out of my right eye, it just means that it’s constantly teary. So I get the question, “Have you been crying” or “Are you okay?” frequently. Thanks genetics!
    7. I still hate oatmeal. The texture is just not a favorite. I also have a really hard time eating yogurt. It’s just something about the texture as I eat it over time…
    8. I made the Dean’s List my first semester of college. Woohoo!
    9. Holographic things intrigue me a lot. I can thank one of my favorite YouTubers, Simply Nailogical for that.
    10. I’d love to see Maria Sharapova, Rafael Nadal, and Novak Djokovic play in person. I’ve seen them play on TV and they’re just amazing players, but I would just be over the moon if I had the opportunity to actually watch them play. Also, this might totally be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like Serena Williams as a tennis player! Her style just doesn’t impress me. I respect her, but I just don’t like her.

    So I hope you enjoyed these ten facts about me. Some of them are pretty random, but they’re kinda fun and silly and I hope you enjoyed them and learned something new on this Sunday haha. Have a wonderful week everyone!

  • A Couple of Quotes

    Some of you have probably noticed by now, by I decided to take down my quote wall. There are several reasons as to why I took it down, but that’s not what this post is about. In memory of my quote wall, here are some of my favorite quotes from that page in addition to a couple new ones.

    “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” – Maya Angelou

    “Competing or just for fun, whatever, simply enjoy and try your best.” – Rafael Nadal

    “I think luck falls on not just the brave but also the ones who believe they belong there.” – Novak Djokovic

    “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

    “Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you.” – Anonymous

    “Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is.” – Mandy Hale

    “All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

    “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

    “Lions don’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.” – Anonymous

    “You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.” – Sophia Bush

    “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies but just as much to stand up to our friends.” – Albus Dumbledore (Gotta love Harry Potter!)

    “Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world, no matter what you look like.” – Anonymous

    Have a wonderful week, everyone!


  • The Djoker

    Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, and others make it happen like #1 menā€™s singles tennis player, Novak Djokovic. Djokovic is a person that has reached his full potential because he loves and dedicates his life to tennis, works to become a better person and athlete daily, believes that his family is important, takes care of himself, inspires others, and accepts whatever happens in his life and makes the best out of it.

    Novak Djokovic picked up a racket for the first time when he was four years old during a summer camp in Serbia. From that moment on, heĀ decided to dedicate his life to the sport and traded in recess and playtime for tennis lessons. He worked long hours with his coaches, who knew ā€˜he would become a champion [because] he was focused, conscientious, and above all, talentedā€™ (Novak: Novak Djokovic). Despite economic and political struggles in Serbia, Novakā€™s family sacrificed a lot of time and money and was able to support him to travel to Munich, Germany to receive training at a prestigious tennis academy. According to Djokovic, ā€œ…family is the most important thing and you have to stick with the familyā€. In Munich, he was able to grow extensively as a tennis player. As time went on, young Djokovic became a more dominant and developed player winning important tournaments throughout Europe. Finally in 2003, Djokovic acquired his first ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) points and turned pro. Since then, Djokovic has dominated the menā€™s professional tour with 703 career wins and 63 titles (Novak Djokovic: FedEx ATP) and is considered one of the greatest menā€™s tennis players of all time.

    He inspires tennis players, young and old, all over the world with his amazing sense of humor earning him the nickname, ā€œthe jokerā€, his powerful presence on the court, and beautiful technique. Djokovic has reached his full potential because of this. The 28-year old tennis player is always looking to better himself as an athlete and person. He spends long hours on the court as well as off the court perfecting his technique, sticks to a strict, healthy diet, and conditions his body often to improve his strength. Being #1 in the world can be a tough position to hold onto, especially with players like Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal challenging Djokovic often. Djokovic says that to keep his top spot he vows ā€œto work twice as hardā€ (Stutchbury). Even though Djokovic is #1 in the world and has been successful, he has dealt with failure along his path to reaching his full potential. Djokovic says, ā€œA failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstancesā€. Being able to accept his mistakes and losses have been able to make Djokovic the strong person and tennis player he is. On top of balancing his personal life with his tennis schedule, the #1 singles tennis player founded his own foundation which helps ā€œpreschool-aged children from impoverished areas get the chance to learn and play in a safe, creative, and nurturing environmentā€ throughout Serbia (About Us: Novak Djokovic Foundation). With the help of many volunteers and generous donations, Djokovicā€™s foundation has already been able to build 18 schools, support 325 families, train 636 teachers, and help over 10,000 children (About Us: Novak Djokovic Foundation).

    Novak Djokovic has reached his full potential because he has taken advantage of his talents and abilities. He knows that he can make a strong impact not only on the tennis court but around the world. Djokovic said, ā€œI believed I could do itā€ and that he did.


    Works Cited

    “About Us: Novak Djokovic Foundation.” Novak Djokovic Foundation. Novak Djokovic Foundation, 2016. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.

    “Novak Djokovic.” Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. 30 Mar. 2016.

    “Novak Djokovic: FedEx ATP Win/Loss: ATP World Tour: Tennis.” ATP World Tour. N.p., 2015. 01 Apr. 2016.

    “Novak: Novak Djokovic.” Novak Djokovic. N.p., 2012. 30 Mar. 2016.

    Stutchbury, Greg. “Djokovic Vows to Work ‘twice as Hard’ to Stay at Tennis Summit.” Evening Standard. N.p., 31 Jan. 2016. 30 Mar. 2016.