Tag: motivation

  • Failure

    Hello. Hi. How’s it going? It’s been a while, again. Life is all good and things are going well, I just haven’t been giving this blog the attention I should be giving it. I don’t mean to return on a somber note, but as I reflect on this past week, there’s something I wanted to talk about. Failure.

    I had my first operative practical this past week. We had to complete four projects on plastic teeth in just under three hours. Two of them were specific preps (which is when you drill the teeth), and two of the projects were fillings on pre-prepped teeth. I am known to be incredibly hard on myself. I want things to go well and I want what I do to look good. After that practical, I could just tell that what I had done was not my best. One of my preps was much more shallow than I thought it was (which is not good) and somehow I managed to cause a significant amount of damage to one of the plastic teeth I was filling when I had NEVER done anything like that before on a project or when I had practiced on my own. Another one of my preps turned out much bigger than it should have and it was in the wrong spot just slightly.

    I think I actually failed something in dental school. And if I truly did fail this practical, it will be the first academic failure I will ever had encountered in my life.

    As I share this post, my goal isn’t to make anyone feel sorry or bad for me. I think it’s just important that I share what was going through my mind because I bet someone out there can relate, even if it isn’t specifically relatable to being in dental school. Did I receive a score right away? No. Have I received feedback yet? Also no. So am I potentially just assuming the worst because I wasn’t happy with how I did? Maybe. Am I being way too hard on myself? I think yes, but also I know I could have done much better. Tears were shed on my drive home let’s just say and my performance on that practical put quite the damper on the rest of my Monday.

    Since the day of my first operative practical, I’ve done some reflecting and even talked with some upperclassmen, and a couple of things have come up that I think are important to share regarding failure, or at least feeling like you’ve failed.

    1. If dentistry was easy, there would be more dentists in the world. I am trying to learn something that is totally foreign to me. Becoming proficient at working with a handpiece is going to take time and practice. This is something I began thinking about day 1 of my dental school journey and it’s something I have to continue telling myself. I will learn everything I need to learn. It will just take time.
    2. Failure is OK. Making mistakes helps you learn. It helps you grow. You can see where improvements must be made to get better at whatever it is you’re doing. And on that note, growth won’t always be comfortable. If you’re always in your comfort zone, you can’t grow! There’s no push!
    3. Don’t let failure win. It is so easy to let a setback tear you down and rip you apart. You should have seen me at lunch following my practical. However, you can’t let your sadness, frustration, anger, or whatever emotion that may be consume you and allow you to bury you alive. Just because one bad thing happens doesn’t mean you’re doomed. You won’t flunk out of school. The world won’t end. Cry it out, do whatever you need to do, and then get back to work. See what can be done so that success happens the next time.

    Regardless of what happens with my practical grade, things will be ok. If I have to remediate it (which means take it again because I did fail it the first time), I’ll remediate it. And I will be kind to myself and take this as an opportunity to show that I am capable of doing good work. And if you fail something too, do the same. Be kind to yourself and come back stronger on your next take at whatever it is you’re doing. Have a good week everyone. ❤️

  • Stop Making Excuses

    Stop making excuses

    I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately and I’ve come to realize that people who complain and then do nothing about what bothers them really bothers me. In other words, making excuses has become a big pet peeve of mine. That being said, stop making excuses. Just stop.

    Now, I can understand when a person has a genuine reason to miss out on working toward their goal or completing some task. If you’re sick or injured, that makes sense. But when you’re feeling lazy or tired or sore, and that’s your reason for choosing to not go to the gym or study a little more or do whatever it is you’re going to do, I’m sorry, but come on!! I get that we all have days where we feel tired, sore, lazy, or just not quite right. That being said, it’s important to push past those feelings and get done what needs to get done!! You’re not going to get to where you want to by lying in bed watching Netflix all day feeling bad for yourself! The only person that can make you change is you!

    I’m not saying I’m perfect or that I don’t have bad body image days because I most definitely still have days like that! But, I used to be the type of person to complain about how I looked and I did nothing about it. Part of why I did nothing was because I didn’t know what to do with myself and I let that excuse be enough. Looking back, I wasn’t happy that way. I wanted more for myself!

    I found that when I stopped making excuses and worked toward what I wanted, it came. My results may not have come as fast as I may have liked, but I keep working and I have come to appreciate the process and develop my discipline. And that doesn’t just apply to working out and developing a more sustainable, healthy lifestyle! That can apply to anything! If you’re wanting to make improvements in any aspect of your life, you’re not going to get there by complaining or feeling sorry for yourself. Your excuses will get you nowhere. Step outside your comfort zone, make sure you have a good support system, and go for what you want!

    I know you all are so capable of many things. So, stop making excuses and go take care of business. If you need someone to cheer you on, I’m right here for you. 🥰 Have a great week everyone. I’ll see you next weekend.

  • Empowered Poem

    I played in a tennis tournament yesterday that went really well. I feel like I’ve been struggling a bit lately to feel confident in my playing, but yesterday helped boost that. I may have won three of my matches and lost three of my matches, but everything I learned will help me improve my actual game as well as my mental game.

    It’s also really awesome that fall is starting to actually show up on the trees here in Colorado. We had a nice, rainy day this week and I got to wear a cozy sweater and feel all bundled up. Winter is definitely my favorite season, but fall comes in at a close second.

    Anyways, I’ve been able to do a lot of writing in my AP Lang class and we recently were able to write poems based off of pictures we took of words throughout the school. Here’s what I came up with. Enjoy!

    No one can make you inferior without your consent
    You don’t need a reason to help people,
    Learn your weaknesses and fears.
    Embrace them, then nobody will be able to use them.
    Everyone is a genius,
    so be kind and love others.
    Your silent presence is more powerful than a million empty words.
    You are worthy.
    You empowered.

    Sorry for such a short post this Sunday. Poems are fun to write and when you have an idea of what you want to write, they’re quick and easy to get done. Gotta love writing! 🙂 Have a great week!
