This is my last week of high school. AHHHHHH! I’ve never felt so many emotions in my life. One day I’m sad the next I’m super excited and the next it’s honestly who-knows-what. The end has come real quick and my last day is this Wednesday.
My school has this ceremony known as Eagle Flight and that’s the school’s chance to say goodbye to the graduating class. As one of my school’s co-presidents for student council, I get to hand off one of the executive board items to one of the new co-presidents and I just hope I don’t cry in front of the entire school. Knowing myself, I probably will though, haha.
I’ve finished most of my finals already and somehow managed to get a 100% on my AP statistics final. Literally did NOT see that coming. I have two more AP tests to take, with AP Bio tomorrow and AP Stats on Thursday. I just hope that I pass because it kind of sucks paying about $100 to get no college credit. We’ll see how those go.
Graduation is next Saturday and I have family coming in from New Mexico. I’m so excited for them to come mostly because it’s been about 4 years since they came up to our house. I just know we’re going to eat so much food. It’s gonna be great. In addition to that, I get to go to Hawaii with my aunt and uncle five days after graduation so I’m a very happy person right now.
There’s going to be so many grad parties to go to and so much to do this last week. High school came to a very rapid end and it’s bittersweet. I’ve built so many close relationships with classmates, teachers, coaches, and administration and I’m going to truly miss high school.
To those of you with graduation already passed, congrats! You’ve made it! And to those of you graduating this week or in the weeks to come, you’ve got a little longer but you’re basically at the finish line. Enjoy your last days of high school or college.
Have a beautiful week you beautiful people and congrats to the class of 2018!