Tag: blackberry juice

  • Guayaquil: The Final Installment of the Ecuador Posts

    By now, some of you might be like, “Thank God this is the last Ecuador post.” If that’s you, I’m sorry. I promise this is the last one! Hopefully you’ve enjoyed these travel posts. I always find travel blog posts to be really fun to write and also look back on. 🙂 The final destination of my Ecuador study abroad was the hustling, bustling city of Guayaquil and boy was it different from anything I had experienced so far.

    On our way out of Cuenca and into Guayaquil, we stopped at Homero Ortega Panama hats, a place that makes (here’s a shocker) Panama hats. There were a lot of really pretty and well made hats and I’m a little bummed that I didn’t get one, but that’s ok. Now I know where to get a really nice, high quality hat if I’m looking for one! It was really interesting to see the process of making the hats. They’re woven into a pretty generic pattern and then pressed into this machine that forms the actual shape of the hats and then any additional accessories or designs are added after. Pretty cool if you ask me.

    After our hat shopping excursion, we stopped about halfway between Cuenca and Guayaquil at this place called Dos Chorreras for lunch and a tour of the little abandoned mountain town up the road. The tour was cool and the city was absolutely tiny! There was a small mine, saloon, church, and maybe like two or three tiny, tiny houses from what I can remember. And each building wasn’t very big either. Imagine a typical college dorm room and maybe cut a fourth of that off. That was the amount of space on the inside of the church. It was really cold when we did the tour so it felt reaaaally nice to go inside the hotel/restaurant and sit somewhere warm. For lunch, we had a choice of trout (as the place had a trout farm) or steak and I went with steak. The dish it was served on was in the shape of a cow too so that was fun! Prior to the meal, there was a really yummy soup served too and of course my meal wouldn’t be complete without blackberry juice. I ate way too well in Ecuador. Way too well.

    After lunch, it was another hour and a half (I think?) to Guayaquil and we arrived at our hotel, Hotel Palace, just before dinner. We had time to unwind and relax and then we got dinner on our own. A couple of the other students and I went and got empanadas at a place not too far from our hotel and boy was I glad that I went with other people. There were so many beggars and someone cat-called me along the way too.


    While waiting for my empanadas, this homeless woman stood right at my side pleading that I give her money and on my other side, this nine-year old boy was doing the same. I wanted to help, but I just felt so uncomfortable. My empanadas were ok, but I feel like the experience of the city itself, made them less enjoyable.

    There was also this man walking around the empanada stand who had blood GUSHING down his left arm (and when I say gushing, like it was really running down his arm) and it was dripping all over the streets and sidewalks. I’m not sure where he had been or what had happened, but after seeing all of that, I was ready to go hide in my hotel room. I guess that was how Guayaquil welcomed us?

    After a unique dinner experience, we went and got ice cream and I got a blackberry milkshake at an ice cream shop across the street from the empanada stand. It was pretty yummy. 🙂 Our night wrapped up with a trip to an iguana park. Somewhere in the center of Guayaquil, there’s this park that is literally just home to a BUNCH of iguanas. Like so many iguanas. They were all sleeping by the time we got there but it was cute to see so many cute creatures. Well, maybe they weren’t all cute. Some of them were though! After some time chilling with the iguanas, we all went back to the hotel and hit the hay for the night.

    The next day, we had a wonderful breakfast at our hotel and were all ready for our big business visits to Guangala Chocolate and Tulicorp, another chocolate company. Guayaquil = warm temperatures = optimal chocolate making and eating conditions. At Guangala, we got to tour the patio and learn about the chocolate making process and more specifically, the process of extracting cacao from cocoa beans and preparations for turning the cacao into chocolate. It was hot and WOW was the sun beating down on us and I was so thankful to have a water bottle with me that day. It was nice to have my hat too. At Guangala, I realized just how small the world is too. The wonderful woman that gave us a tour played tennis at CSU and her and I had a chance to talk a little about tennis so that was fun. 🙂

    Following our roast on the patios of Guangala, we had lunch at this really cute place that had seafood and really good hot sauce. After lunch, it was time for our tour of Tulicorp, the other chocolate factory. At Tulicorp, we learned about how the cocoa beans are actually made into chocolate and had an opportunity to try a variety of chocolates. Let’s just say that I was pretty chocolate-ed out after this day. There was so much chocolate.


    Now full of chocolate, we headed back to our hotel, had some time to relax and shower and then, again it was dinner time. One of the supervisors wanted to find this placed called Arthur’s Cafe that was about a 30-minute walk away from our hotel and so a group of students and I joined her in finding it. Sadly, that cafe was closed permanently and we didn’t know that until we were standing at the vacated doors of what was once Arthur’s Cafe. We were all pretty hungry at this point so we found some other place nearby that was alright. The service was HORRIBLE and the food was so-so, but at least I got some more blackberry juice out of the deal! After our meh dinner, we made the 30-minute trek back to our hotel and I passed out.


    And just like that, it was January 15th. Our last day in Ecuador. We had breakfast at the hotel and then drove for about two hours to get to Salinas Beach, where we would spend a good chunk of the day. I spent some time swimming, working on a tan (which tends to be VERY hard for me), and doing one other thing that has me permanently traumatized… A banana boat. So some of you might be asking, what’s so scary about a banana boat? To those of you that have been on one and enjoyed yourselves, you’re not human. To those of you that have been on one and hated every second of it, I feel ya. To those of you that are like banana boat????? I’ll explain.

    So a banana boat is a giant inflatable banana with straps attached to the top, which is where you sit. One end of the devilish banana is attached to a boat and as you ride along on this banana, the boat driver makes a sharp turn and you fall off unless you hold on for dear life. It’s supposed to be “fun”. Tell me WHERE the fun is, because I don’t see it.

    See the thing is, I didn’t know that you were going to be flung off the banana as the boat driver guided us around. I thought we would just hop on the banana, and then get to bounce around and ride the waves. If that’s what the banana boat had actually been, I would’ve loved it. But NOOOOO. I legitimately get chills writing about it. Upon our first turn, we were WHIPPED off that stupid banana and a bunch of the people I was on the banana boat with all crashed into each other. One of my friends got smacked really hard in the head and someone or something smacked my ankle reaaaal hard. We had life vests on, so we weren’t going to drown but the feeling of being flung from a banana and then tossed around in the water and banged up by a bunch of other people was so so so NOT fun. We did this unfortunate banana flipping thing two more times and then it was all over. Thank. God. 10/10 would not ever recommend a banana boat to ANYONE. As I write this, my ankle still feels a bit tender because of the damage that was done on that gosh darn banana boat. Not good. Not good at all.

    After that traumatizing experience, I remained on land for the rest of our time at the beach. Some ice cream helped lighten my mood, but wowza was I ready to go home at that point. After our time at the beach, we stopped at a local spot for lunch that had some of the best fettuccine with shrimp I’ve ever had. They also served my meal with a mountain of rice and avocado which was much appreciated.

    We arrived at the hotel back in Guayaquil about two hours after leaving our lunch spot and by then, we had to finish up our packing and shower. At this moment, I realized just how sunburnt I had gotten. Yes, I had applied sunscreen, but being at the equator is just so different than being under the sun in Colorado. I was RED. I barely peeled later though, so that’s good!

    Image by Creative Fabrica

    Now all ready to go to the airport, we had our farewell dinner at this gorgeous place that had some of the best service we had the entire trip. The food was phenomenal too. If I could remember the name of the place, I would definitely share and recommend that if you’re ever in Guayaquil. It was incredible. I definitely felt under-dressed though, in my leggings and hoodie. It was definitely a more formal eating spot.

    And now the fun had ended and it was time to soak in the long lines of customs and airport security. Yippeeeeee. Getting through customs and security took a while, but it was fine. The miserable part came with the six-hour flight to Dallas. My sinuses wanted to kill me and it felt like my head was going to explode the entire flight to Dallas. And to add to that, it was also past midnight and I was trying to sleep. No bueno. When we got close to Dallas, our pilot announced that a storm was over Dallas that prevented us from landing so we had to detour to Austin, sit there on the plane for 30 minutes and then made it to Dallas.

    And that was the cherry on top. Our little detour resulted in us missing our connecting flight to Denver, and the people with American Airlines were everything BUT helpful about our situation. No one was helping us get on another flight and I was just feeling miserable and exhausted and just wanted to be home already. Customs in Dallas really sucked too.

    Finally, a wonderful woman came to our rescue and helped us all get on a flight back to Denver (even if it was going to put me home two hours later than planned) so we were going to be home. I fueled up with some Starbucks and before we knew it, we were on our flight back to Denver.

    I got home around noon and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to be home. I really missed my country, of course, but I really missed my family. To give up two weeks of my winter break for a study abroad was totally worth it, but that time I missed with family is also important to me and I was a little bummed that I only have a couple of days with them before I had to leave for spring semester to start. Regardless, it felt good to be home and enjoy the time I could with my family.


    Ecuador, you were an incredible, hospitable country, even if I got sick while visiting. Thank you for being the first country, beside the United States for me to visit and explore. I’ll be back and I’m looking at you, Galapagos Islands! 🙂 If you’re a student in college or even high school that is considering studying abroad, I highly recommend looking into some sort of program, even if it is a short two-week thing, because it really gives you a chance to explore a new culture, have some fun, and get college credit while doing it.

    I hope you all have enjoyed the Ecuador posts and on that note, I’ll see you all next Sunday. 🙂

  • Alausí, Ingapirca, and Cuenca, Oh My!


    I’m just going to go ahead and kill three birds with one stone in this post. I’m still writing about my time in Ecuador and this week, I’m talking about three of the short stops we made toward the end of my study abroad- Alausí, Ingapirca, and Cuenca.

    Alausí was a small town and our main reason for being there was for the Devil’s Nose train ride. We had the chance to wander the tiny town until 11, which was when we then hopped on the train and rode up to this small mountain community which was a hardcore tourist attraction. Before that though, I had a chance to buy some empanadas and they were so good and fresh. 🙂 Good empanadas are another thing I really miss from my time in Ecuador. There were dancers and a lot of bright colors and good smelling food. Toward the end of our time in the community, I even got to dance with one of the dancers when they all started picking people to dance with from the crowd. It was pretty fun.

    Fun fact for this Sunday (or maybe it’s not so fun, haha), the reason they call it Devil’s Nose is because 4000 works were killed in a dynamited explosion on the mountain you’re looking at and from what I remember, no one recalls detonating the TNT so they’re not sure what set it off.

    Also, in my opinion, if you look toward the top of the mountain in the center of this photo, it looks like a face is coming out of the mountain and that’s also why I think they call it Devil’s Nose.

    We left the community at 1 and were back in Alausí for lunch pretty quick. For lunch, we stopped at a cafeteria and I had a massive plate of really good local food and a huge glass of blackberry juice, all for only $4! Our time in Alausí was short but sweet. We then had a lovely three hour bus ride to our next stop, Ingapirca. See ya later Alausí!

    We arrived at our hotel, La Posada Ingapirca (I’m pretty sure that was the name), and then had dinner at the hotel around 7. I was feeling kind of yucky when we got to this hotel but I was extremely relieved to find a comfy bed and very cozy room waiting for me. I remember sleeping very hard that night. And if I can recall this right, I’m pretty sure the sleep I got that night was the best it had been in a few.

    The next morning, we had breakfast at the hotel and then were off to the Ingapirca Ruins, which are a mixture of Cañari and Incan Ruins. I’ve always wanted to see some form of ancient ruins and it was cool to see what we did. If you’re ever in Ingapirca, Ecuador for some reason, go check these out! They’re no Machu Picchu, but they’re still very cool. After seeing this ruins, I’m even more intrigued to actually go to Machu Picchu and see the Mayan and Aztec Ruins in Latin America. Maybe some day!

    Our time in Ingapirca concluded after our tour of the Ingapirca Ruins and we were then off to Cuenca. We arrived before lunch time, checked into our hotel (which was gorgeous by the way! If you’re looking for a good hotel in Cuenca, San Juan Hotel is the way to go!), and then were off to lunch at a really cute place called Simón. I had a buffalo-chicken sandwich with fries and strawberry juice and that was a very good meal, despite my upset stomach. I still wasn’t feeling 100% and it was honestly so frustrating to have such good food in front of me and worry about not being able to keep it down.

    Following lunch we had a tour of Cuenca and it was a gorgeous little city. We were there on a Sunday and Cuenca is a very religious town so a lot was closed, but I still really enjoyed taking in the views of such a pretty town. After our tour, we had some time to relax at the hotel and then went out to dinner at this place near the Catedral de Cuenca. I had some really good avocado, cheese, and potato soup that night. 🙂 To work off our dinner, we then walked to the river and then back to the hotel and hit the hay for the night.

    I wish we could’ve stayed in Cuenca longer, but sadly, the next morning was our last day (not even a full one) there. We had breakfast at the hotel, visited the Catedral de Cuenca, which was absolutely STUNNING by the way, and then left for our final destination, Guayaquil. One quick thing about the Catedral de Cuenca. They built it to emulate Notre Dame in France, but something went wrong with the calculations for the towers and so if they had added the full-on towers to truly look like Notre Dame, the whole building would have collapsed so they didn’t do that. Being inside the cathedral was such a powerful moment and I’m sad that I wasn’t able to take any pictures in there though. I can understand why, but I just wish I had some pictures of it to remember how beautiful it was. If you ever find yourself in Cuenca, please visit the cathedral. It’s hard to miss.

    I’ve really enjoyed sharing my experiences in Ecuador and I hope that you all have enjoyed reading about them! Visiting a new country is such a fun experience, even if you get sick along the way. Our short time in Alausí, Ingapirca, and Cuenca was fun and I hope that you all have a chance to explore another culture or country some time, or have done so already. I’ll see you all next Sunday for the final Ecuador blog. Have a good week! 🙂


    If you haven’t checked out my other Ecuador blogs, here’s easy access to each of those!
    If you haven’t checked out my other Ecuador blogs, here’s easy access to each of those!


  • Riobamba!

    Again, running out of creative titles here, haha. And we’re continuing right where we left off. I was leaving Baños and on my way to Riobamba with my study abroad program. I don’t remember how long the bus ride was, but it was broken up into segments.

    During one of our stops, we had the chance to visit a mountain climber’s lodge at the base of Chimburazo (the tallest peak in world if you consider the distance from the center of the earth to its summit). The climber in charge of the house, Rodrigo, told us stories about his climbing adventures and treated us to some really yummy tea. A lot of students added alcohol to that tea but I’m not about that life, so I let my tea be tea.

    After our visit at his house, we headed to a hacienda where we got to cook our dinner on lava rocks! It was also the same hacienda that Simon Bolivar had once stayed at to sign the constitution (I think that’s the right information). The food was really good that night. I really enjoyed the potatoes, blackberry juice, and flan. 🙂 And then with full stomachs, we finally made our way into Riobamba and checked into our next hotel, Casa Real. This hotel had an indoor garden situation going for them and it was really nice.


    The not so nice thing though, my body was beginning to suffer from what I’m pretty sure was food poisoning. I’m not sure where it happened, but I was not feeling good and that night, I spent a lot of time shaking, drinking water, and debating throwing up. I never did, but it really sucked, that’s for sure.

    Still feeling like crap the next morning, I managed to get to breakfast and keep it all down. We then left for our next service learning which was in the San Jose de Liro area. The community was called the Guamote community. There we watched guinea pigs be killed and prepared to eat. The women were very humane with the guinea pigs (minus holding them by their necks prior to their deaths) so I appreciated that but I wasn’t a fan of all the squealing that came from the guinea pigs before their necks were snapped. :(( It was just such a different experience from anything I’m used to. Guinea pigs are pets in the United States and in a lot of South American cultures, they’re food. That’s just how it is for them!

    After that demonstration, we had the opportunity to see how the people shear sheep and plant their crops. We also taught the kids English again which was fun and was smoother than the first time. “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” was quite the hit that day. We finished our time up at the Guamote community with a soccer game against the kids (who were REALLY good, might I add), and lunch.

    The food there was very bland in comparison to any other food we had up to that point. It was a lot of potatoes, beans, and corn that had the texture of potatoes. There was also guinea pig and I had the tiniest amount. Did I like it? No. Am I happy I tried it? Sure. I’m glad that I tried it, just to say I tried it and have had that experience but I most definitely will not be eating guinea pig again.


    After our time in the Guamote community, we went and saw the first Catholic Church ever established in Ecuador. It was an old building, but it was incredible that it had stayed up for so long. I can’t remember if this church was just outside Riobamba or if it was actually within the city, but regardless, it was cool to see.

    After that visit, we went back to our hotel and relaxed for a bit, which I really needed. I was feeling like garbage. Walking to get groceries at the super mall helped me feel a bit better but I still wasn’t feeling good. It was insane how much food I bought for $15. I bought a big thing of Gatorade (gotta get those electrolytes!), Amor cookies which are sooooo good, some shortbread cookies, plantain chips, and some water. It was a good deal.

    Fully loaded with snacks, I headed back to the hotel and by that time, it was almost time for dinner. We went to a karaoke bar for dinner where I had my first bowl of pasta in a long time. Spaghetti tasted SO good that night, even though I felt like throwing it up (sorry for the TMI :)).

    Around 11 that night, we headed back to the hotel and called it good for the night. Yes, I was still feeling like trash, and I had a lot of medication running through me to try and keep me less nauseated. Thank goodness for all the meds I brought.

    The next day, we left Riobamba for our next stop at a train station, which you will get to hear more about next week. Our time in Riobamba was short, but it was still a good time. See you all next Sunday. 🙂

  • Hello, Quito

    Hola y bienvenidos a mi blog! Hoy, vamos a hablar de…I’m just kidding haha. I don’t think I could do an entire post in Spanish. I could, maybe on a very basic level, but I’m not sure that you’re all here for that kind of blog. Anyway! This week I’m going to be talking about the first city we stayed in during my study abroad from January 2nd to the 15th. Quito! The capital of Ecuador!

    If you haven’t read my post on all of my journals summing up my Ecuador trip, I recommend maybe doing that before you read this post, just so you get a general idea of everything I did. Or if that’s all you want to read about my time in Ecuador, you can read that too, by clicking HERE! 🙂 You won’t be totally lost if you don’t though. On with the show!

    What a wonderful way to start off my trip to Ecuador. We arrived super late on the 2nd after an entire day of traveling. My first time through customs wasn’t as scary as I honestly imagined it being. The man just asked how long I will stay, and I couldn’t remember how to say fourteen days in Spanish, so I told him “Two weeks (dos semanas)!” and called that good. My first stamp is looking pretty cute in my passport. 🙂


    When we arrived at the Holiday Inn Express we stayed at downtown, my roommates and I practically all crashed. That may or may not be a theme of mine for this trip, haha. The next morning, January 3rd, we had an early breakfast at our hotel and then it was off to the Fundacion Cristo Misionero Orante, which is a school run by a group of nuns. The place was entirely self-sustaining, so all of the food they needed was right there for them. In addition to that, they also double as a safe place and home for children who come from abusive homes. At Fundacion Cristo Misionero Orante, we helped weed in the areas where farming happened so that they could plant more vegetables and herbs too. We also had the opportunity to teach English to the kids who were in class at the time. Another student and I had the opportunity to go and teach English toward the end of our time at the school, and let me tell you, it was not easy. One of the things I learned during this part of the trip is that I really wish I had taken more opportunities to learn Spanish in high school. I learned quite a bit, but what I knew still wasn’t enough. The kids most definitely wanted to communicate and I wanted to communicate back, but it was difficult. Sometimes, I felt like a fool, if I’m being completely honest. In the end though, I was more focused on just being able to make the kids smile and enjoy their company overall.


    After about three hours of work at the school, we went back to downtown Quito for lunch at this super cute place, Patio Andaluz. Our first of many wonderful meals happened at this place. My addiction to blackberry juice also began this day, haha.


    With full stomachs, our tour of Quito then began. We saw the president’s estate, the main plaza, and many beautiful, tight streets lined with brightly colored buildings that were both homes and shops. Locals walked around will platters filled with meringue treats which looked delicious and every chance they had, they wanted to sell us something. We also visited a beautiful cathedral during our tour of Quito. With the help of our wonderful guide, we were allowed into the church and even got to climb up to the roof and see a wonderful city view. I can now say that I’ve been on top of a church before. Literally, the very top. After this, we visited another spot where we could see all of Quito. It was beautiful and also really cool to look out and see how the building climbed up the Andes Mountains and then suddenly stopped.

    Our first busy day in Quito concluded with a wonderful dinner at this place not too far from the hotel called Restaurante Achiote. The food was great, yet again, although I wasn’t a huge fan of the dessert which was figs dipped in black sugar and cheese. It was different, that’s for sure. A lot of the people on my trip really wanted to go out that night, so we went to this area deemed “Gringoland” and found a bar. I got some good old bottled water while everyone else drank. One of the things I learned to be extremely grateful for that night was the no smoking policy that a lot of places have in the United States. There was a man smoking behind me and let me just say my asthma wasn’t too pleased with that. My first experience in a bar was an interesting one, that’s for sure.


    The next day in Quito, we were back at Fundacion Cristo Misionero Orante. We helped paint the wall outside the school to cover up the graffiti and also did some more weeding. If I can’t put that I’m a professional weeder on my resume at this point, I’m going to be very disappointed. Just kidding. It was REALLY hot that day and I am so glad that I brought some water, sunscreen, and a hat with me that day.


    After our time at the school again, we headed to Hacienda Herlinda for lunch. The food was fantastic, again and after that we visited El Mitad del Mundo, or the middle of the world. Here I got to experience the wackiness that is the equator and now I can proudly say that I’ve been in both hemispheres at once! Fun times. With another busy day practically over, it was back to the hotel. We later had dinner (at a place that I can’t remember and appear to not have written about in my notes) and then went and got brownies at this place called Sweets and Coffee, which to me, seems like the Starbucks of Ecuador. It was a cute little place! Everyone wanted to go out again that night, but I was getting a headache, so I called it a night.

    And just like that, our time in Quito was over and we were onto our next city, the one I was most excited for, Otavalo. Save the drama for your llama and I’ll see you all next Sunday!