Tag: back to school

  • Back to School Again!

    back to school again
    See, I laugh because I think it’s funny that I have to go back for more school. 🙂

    Back to school again! Don’t you all love another back to school post?! So my classes started this past week but we were fully online. The plan is now for us to transition into our hybrid and in-person classes. Fingers crossed it works, oh boy. I still have a few classes that are fully online for this semester but my university has hopes that with enough testing, we will be able to have a more “normal” semester. I really hope that’s the case!!

    After being hope since Thanksgiving break, it’s going to feel really weird going back to living on my own. I’m used to have my food made for me (thanks Mom!!) and having the ability to do a lot of the things I like to do when I like to do them. I’m used to being able to go for walks with my dog often and not have to wear a mask every time I practically step outside. There will definitely be some adjustments to make as I get back into my school routine and I know I’ll make it work. I just hope I can deal with the loneliness part of things okay again. I’m really glad I have technology to help me there at least!

    To prep for going back to school again, I did the usual- play some tennis and grocery shop. Not that tennis has anything with getting ready to go back to school, but it is a lot of fun! Lately, my mom and I have really good luck getting food from Target. I don’t know about you all but I really think that Target has improved their grocery department IMMENSELY. We can get a lot of the same things that we get from King Soopers (all-natural, no GMOs, etc.) for much cheaper and the quality is still really good if not better than what we find elsewhere. More reasons for me to love Target.

    I hope you all have a good week and if you’re getting back into the swing of things, whether that’s at work or at school, we all got this. Stay safe and stay healthy and I’ll see you all next Sunday! 🙂

  • Back To School!

    What a wonderful winter break it has been! After five weeks at home, I am headed back to school tomorrow. There are no classes tomorrow, but I do want a little bit of time to get settled back in and get all of my textbooks and materials. And in honor of the big “challenge” going around, here’s me in 2009 and 2019. Ten years does fly by! Anyway, here’s a recap of my first college winter break.

    Over break, there are a lot of fun things that my family and I did. For one, we spent another great Christmas with family in New Mexico. This year we went to see the luminarias in my grandpa’s neighborhood and those were really pretty. Spending all of that time with family was just really nice and really fun. I always enjoy catching up with my aunt and uncle and sharing all of my accomplishments with my grandpa. We also had our annual Christmas morning breakfast at my great-aunt’s house and that’s always so much fun. The food is always delicious (ESPECIALLY her cheesy potatoes) and the company is always great.

    After Christmas, things winded down and we awaited the new year. My sister and I recreated Bob Ross paintings of his painting, “In the Midst of Winter” and that was really fun. Oil paint is so messy, wow! While we did spend plenty of time recreating his painting, we also spent A LOT of time cleaning up the paint from our kitchen table and ourselves. That stuff is hard to clean up, let me tell ya.

    In addition to unleashing our inner artists, my sister and I played plenty of tennis. We hit with our dad which is always a great time and I also had the opportunity to hit with some of the ladies at my club. It was refreshing to play against ladies with different playing styles. They challenged me and helped me adapt to become an even more well-rounded and educated tennis player. I’ve really loved growing with tennis, especially over this break. I really do love the sport! Allyson and I also had the opportunity to attend an open court at Denver Tennis Park, which is a brand new tennis facility right off the University of Denver Campus. We really enjoyed getting to play with other kids and show off our skills.

    I also had the opportunity to experiment with some stuff for my modeling. I am truly interested in pursuing modeling, even if I do not take it on as my full-time job. Recently, my sister helped me take a few new pictures and send some of my stuff off to new agencies. I’m excited to see what comes from these opportunities and how I continue to grow as a person from all of this.

    My sister and I also dogsat over both of our winter breaks and, oh boy, did that prove to be QUITE the job. Four dogs in one small house can sure make a BIG mess. We did enjoy our time with the four dogs, but oh my goodness, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to step foot in that house again. The male dogs fought frequently and it was a stressful situation to be in a lot of the time my sister and I went over to check on the dogs. Like I said though, we really enjoyed being able to help our neighbors out and I’m glad that all of the dogs are happy and healthy!

    And just like that, my winter break was over. Another Christmas and New Year celebration flew by and I now sit here writing this blog about how I go back to school tomorrow. Back to the grind! Have a good week everyone. 🙂

  • Getting Ready for the School Year

    Summer break is coming to an end for students all over and now it’s time to get back to school. Getting back into a routine for school and being prepared for the school year can be tough. Here are a few ways you can prepare to tackle the 2016-2017 school year.

    Get to know who your teachers are early on. When classes finally start, introduce yourself to your teacher and make a good impression. You want to get started on a good note!

    Get all of your supplies within the first two weeks of school. My sister and I went to get our supplies this past weekend and school doesn’t start for us until this Friday. By now, we both have a pretty good guess as to what we will need as far as notebooks, spiral and composition, folders, binders, and other things go. Teachers will let you know if there’s specific materials you need in class.

    Train yourself to start getting up and going to bed earlier at least a week before classes start. You wouldn’t want to sleep in on the first day! It makes it easier to get up in the morning when you train yourself to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.

    If you have a special email account for school, make sure you’re able to access it before school starts. Many teachers like to get right to business on the first day. With technology being a big part of our lives today, it’ll be easier on yourself and your teachers if your account can be accessed easily without having to get assistance.

    When you get your schedule, see if you have any classes with friends. It’s always nice to see if you have classes with your friends so you can walk to class and even sit together, as long as there isn’t as seating chart.

    When classes start, start off strong. Do your best to get started on the right foot. Take care of all of the first assignments your teachers give you, stay organized, and if you have questions, it’s better to ask them early on so you don’t get lost or confused.

    Have fun and study hard! School can be miserable sometimes and it can get really frustrating. Just remember that school doesn’t last forever and you’ll want a strong education to be able to go to college or do whatever you want to do with the rest of your life.

    Good luck heading back to school everyone. Have a great week. 🙂

    getting ready for school