Tag: alien planet

  • Creative Writing Piece

    In my AP Lang and Comp class, we’ve had creative writing time on Wednesdays since the beginning of school. I feel like outside of this time in class, I haven’t had much time do write because I’ve had a ridiculous amount of homework the past week or two. Yay for not going to bed until 1:30 on most nights! Not really, but anyway, here is my creative writing piece from class. Enjoy!

    The character I was given was Angelica Barner, age 31. She is an astronomer. She enjoys tap dancing, playing her trombone, and has 14 pet ferrets all named after Harry Potter characters.

    “Oh Harry, I can’t tell NASA that I discovered an alien race. They’ll destroy them! Well I know they’ll find out eventually but this is too much to bear right now. I just found out I qualified for the International Professional Trombone Competition and this job with NASA is something I was hired for only a week ago. Now I know being the head of the Pioneer Telescope traveling into Galaxy XS3-1 is a huge responsibility and there’s other people’s jobs riding on my shoulders but is the destruction of another race worth my position at NASA? I don’t know what to do. I’m required to report new findings from the telescope to my director, but I can’t. I simply can’t. Snape, I don’t appreciate the sad ferret eyes right now. Now’s serious time. Something doesn’t seem right about Director Johnson’s whole mission into this new galaxy and if it involves knowing about extraterrestrial life, I won’t let him have it. My funded tap-dancing lessons may be taken away and my job could possibly be as well, but maybe that’ll give me enough time to figure out how to save this alien race. So for now, I’m going to sit here with all my babies on my lap, play a tune on my trombone, and figure out how I’ll protect this alien planet.”

    Have a good week!