Another Year, Another Blogaversary

So last year I missed my own blogaversary and that was a little sad. In all the world’s chaos, I just skipped right past it, oh man. Not this year though! Today, or at least within a few days of me posting this, turns SEVEN!! That’s so crazy to me. First and foremost, I… Continue reading Another Year, Another Blogaversary

It’s Every Day, Bro

Just to be clear Jake Paul, it’s not everyday bro. It’s every day, bro. Get it right… So I’m a big grammar geek for those of you that didn’t know or haven’t guessed by now based on how many of these blogs are written. One of the things that’s really been on my nerves lately… Continue reading It’s Every Day, Bro

Out of Online Classes!

As of yesterday, my microeconomics class and my technical writing class are COMPLETE! Woohoo! Online classes are DONE! I still have my physics class to finish at my local community college, but I feels nice to know that my load just got a lot lighter. Eleven credits this summer may have been to big of… Continue reading Out of Online Classes!

10,000 Thanks

This past Monday, this blog hit a big milestone in my opinion. We reached 10,000 views! To some of you, you may be thinking, “Yeah, 10,000 views, whatever. That really means nothing. Not that big of a deal.” That’s ok if that’s what you think, but to me, this was a pretty big deal. That… Continue reading 10,000 Thanks

Here’s to Another Year of Blogging!

Wow it’s already July! Summer has flown by. I also realized that after a crazy June and my big chunk of Hawaii posts, I totally forgot about my blogiversary which was in early June. This post actually marks my 201st post too! I just wanted to thank you all for reading my blog and taking… Continue reading Here’s to Another Year of Blogging!