Author: Ana

  • I Survived Dental School Orientation

    dental school orientation

    Well I hope you all had a wonderful week! We are officially done with my first week of dental school! Well, dental school orientation, I guess. Does this actually count as my first week of dental school or is that next week? Anyway, looking back on this week, it brought up many emotions, thoughts, and feelings.

    Some words to describe my emotional state this past week: happy, excited, nervous, scared, overwhelmed, tired, interested, motivated. I felt a lot of things this past week. Regardless of whether the things I felt were positive or negative, what I choose to do with those feelings is what matters most. Going into my first official week of dental school TOMORROW, I’m just going to take things day by day and make the best out of every situation. Things will be tough, but I’m tough too, so I know I can do it! I hope you all feel the same way about doing hard or challenging things in your lives. ❤️

    This week started with a business professional day and a lot of lectures regarding all sorts of policies and general business on campus. We had an adventure day in Idaho Springs. We listened to more presentations regarding what to expect with our first semester in lecture and lab. We got all of our technology set up, iPads and MacBooks. We walked around campus a bit to find our classes and just see what was around. It was a really busy week!

    Getting up at 5 am every day was not easy that’s for sure, but if that’s the new schedule for me, I’ll adjust real quick. This is all just a big adjustment period and I really appreciate that my university gave us this week to begin adjusting into our new normal.

    Regarding my classmates, I think I have a very energetic and bright group to be working with for the next four years! I’m excited to get to know them all and go on this wild ride with them.

    Well, with tomorrow being my first day of school, I’m going to head to bed soon now! I still can’t believe that I’m now already past dental school orientation and it’s on to the real deal now! See you next week with a week of dental school under my belt! Have a wonderful one. ❤️

  • Heading into Orientation for Dental School

    orientation for dental school

    To say that I’m excited is an understatement. The same could be said for how nervous I am. My new life starts tomorrow! I will be starting my dental journey at CU School of Dental Medicine tomorrow morning bright and early. Orientation starts!! Also, I finally have fixed the issue with images on my posts so that’s exciting!!

    Going into this week, I am very excited to get to know anything and everything I can about my new school. I’m excited to meet my classmates as well as the faculty and staff. It’ll be fun to explore the campus and see all there is! What I’m not looking forward to is waking up at 5 am! That’s something I can definitely adjust to though.

    Talking about the nervousness I’m feeling- I think that most of my anxiety/nerves come from the fact that I fear the unknown. I don’t know what to expect in a lot of ways and that’s scary! But I also know that it’s ok to feel the way I do. I know that I’ll ease my way into things. I know that change can be difficult but it will be just fine in the end.

    This orientation will be a great way for me to start making adjustments in my life. I’ll figure out when I can work out, when I need to focus on my studies, and when to do anything else that needs to be done! I know there will be a bunch of presentations this upcoming week and that there’s going to be SO much information to take in. I’ll get all my technology set up and figure out where everything is. It’ll be important to remember to just take everything one step at a time.

    Sorry for a shorter (and probably pretty dry) post today, but I’ve got a busy day tomorrow! Take care of yourselves and I’ll see you all next weekend! I’ll share everything! Have a good week!! ❤️

  • A Weekend in Colorado Springs

    So remember that Colorado Springs trip I said was coming up? I’m just wrapping it up right now! The Springs is such a fun town in my opinion and if you’re ever looking for a true Colorado gem, please visit!!

    My sister, dad, and I drove down on Friday morning, meeting my aunt and uncle for lunch at The Golden Bee. The Golden Bee is probably one of my favorite restaurants of all time. It’s a gastropub restaurant located near the Broadmoor (which is one of my favorite areas in Colorado Springs) and it has a bee theme to it, in a way. We usually sit inside on the first floor but this time around, I got to sit up top outside. It was incredibly pleasant up there and it rained (we were under a nice large cover though, so we were all good there) which I enjoyed. This time around, I ordered their shepherd’s pie which is gluten-free, by the way, and just asked that no cheese be put on it. It was very tasty. 😊 Good service, good food, and good company!

    Colorado Springs

    We then had planned to do Seven Falls because we haven’t done it yet but the weather wasn’t all that good so that didn’t happen. Instead, we checked in at our hotel, visited the National ProRodeo Museum/Hall of Fame, grabbed dinner, and then visited Helen Hunt Falls at North Cheyenne Cañon Park. The ProRodeo Museum was a cool little spot and it was interesting to learn a bit about a world I know very little about. Helen Hunt Falls was a lovely little spot in a pretty area of the mountains. The falls were small and there wasn’t a lot of water, but it was good to be outside and get a little hike in.

    Colorado Springs Helen Hunt Falls

    Saturday was Cheyenne Mountain Zoo day. I looooove the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. There’s a lot of walking at the zoo and it can be a pretty long day, but it’s so fun. We got there right at opening (9 am) were there til about 1 pm. I highly highly recommend ordering your tickets in advance because I actually think that’s the only way you can get into the zoo there now. So to save yourself any trouble, just get online and get those tickets. At the zoo, some of my favorites were the giraffes (DUH), elephants, mountain lions, and the wallabies. If you’re looking for some animal interaction, you can feed the giraffes ($3 for one thing of lettuce, and $5 for two things of lettuce), and I know that the zoo does a bunch of other different animal encounter things! The giraffes are my favorite though. They’re such interesting, cute animals!! We also rode the carousel and did the Sky Train (I think that’s what it’s called), which is basically just a ski lift up and around and then back down. You get a pretty good view of the zoo and Colorado Springs while you’re up there!

    After the zoo, we visited the Will Rogers’ Shrine to the Sun which you can only get access to by having Cheyenne Mountain Zoo tickets. Again, there were some pretty great views from up there! The shrine itself was a beautiful building too. If you’re planning to see the shrine, make sure you check out Cheyenne Mountain Zoo first, and then also know that the last cars can go up at 3 pm MST. You can stay up there as long as you’d like, but they just don’t send cars up after 3.

    So after our zoo and shrine adventures, we visited Panino’s for lunch where I got a delicious chicken and pesto panino and an Arnold Palmer. There are gluten and dairy-free options here and the food was good again! Our service was really good here too, so I highly recommend this spot in the Springs as well. 😊 Later that evening, we stopped at a fun, different spot for ice cream called Frozen Gold and I really enjoyed it!! They have a couple of really good looking non-dairy options, and I really enjoyed their Nutty Redhead coconut milk ice cream!

    And today, we spent a wonderful half-day exploring Pikes Peak! We took a cog train up and down Pikes Peak and spent some time up top. More great views here for sure! And if you’re looking to see Pikes Peak’s summit, there’s also some great high altitude donuts at the visitor center. While I didn’t try them, my sister and dad thought the cinnamon sugar donuts were excellent, so I’ll take their word for it! A tip with the donuts- if you’re visiting the visitor center when coming off the cog train, don’t hop in line for donuts right away. The line will be pretty long and you don’t want to spend all your time in line! So take some time to look around, see the sights, and then when you have about ten minutes left of your forty minutes at the top of Pikes Peak, go get some donuts! My sister found that there was no line when we did it that way.

    Colorado Springs Pikes Peak

    Our Pikes Peak trip was followed by a late lunch at Black Bear Diner. There are two locations in Colorado Springs, that I’m aware of at least, and from what I’ve seen, both have pretty decent reviews! We visited the location closer to Garden of the Gods. The food here was pretty good. I ordered orange juice (which they hand-squeeze and make!) and their Shasta veggie scramble. I just wish that our service was a bit better and that my request for no cheese was actually honored. It’s not that hard to scrap off melted shredded cheese though so that’s not too big of a deal. Overall though, I would recommend a visit to Black Bear Diner. They have great orange juice and the atmosphere of the place is so cute!

    The rest of our day yesterday was pretty low-key. We did visit the World War II Aviation Museum which was fun to see though. While I know absolutely nothing about planes, let alone aircrafts from WWII, this was a very educational museum. It was really cool to see the restoration processes with each of the airplanes too. Most, if not all, of the planes were recovered and put into working and flying condition! After our trip to the museum, we had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and stopped for ice cream at Baskin Robbins. Baskin Robins has a really tasty non-dairy mint chocolate chip ice cream, by the way, if non-dairy ice cream is something you’re looking for.

    And that has been the trip! Sometimes I think it’s pretty fun to be a tourist in your own state. I love Colorado and it’s little trips like this that make me even more grateful to call this wonderful state my home. Colorado Springs is a lot of fun and I think that it’s a great spot to visit if you’re looking to come to Colorado.

    Colorado Springs

    Unfortunately, I’m still having issues posting pictures to my posts, but if you wanna check out a couple of pictures from this weekend, feel free to check out my Instagram anahorvathh. Hopefully I can get the picture issue fixed soon… I miss sharing photos here!! Well, I hope you have a wonderful week and I’ll see you all next weekend! ❤️

    Update as of 8/14/22: Pictures are now posted! The issue with me posting them has been resolved. 😊

  • Where I’ve Been

    Hello hello! I’m baaaaack! Sorry for the impromptu hiatus. The past month or so, I just feel like I haven’t had much to post about and I haven’t felt as motivated to create content for you all so I just didn’t post. So here’s a bit on where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to since we all last talked. 🥰

    The past month or so I’ve been doing a lot of prepping for dental school. That includes getting a new MacBook and iPad, filling out a bunch of forms, and just making sure I have all the various, fun things I need!

    I’ve been working out a lot and enjoying all of that too. Recently enough, I attempted a bench press PR of 105 pounds and it wasn’t too bad. I just need to work on my depth at that weight and I’ll more confidently say that I can bench 105. Proud of the progress I’ve made there though!!

    I’m nannying until school starts and that has been a blast. Kids are a lot of fun, in my opinion. 😊 And while I haven’t done much traveling since my Florida trip earlier this year, I am looking forward to a weekend in Colorado Springs coming up! I’ll share more after that fun little getaway.

    So that’s a bit on where I’ve been! Again, sorry for disappearing for a bit, but a break every once in a while is important. As far as what my schedule for posting will be like for the future, let’s get back to the weekly Sunday posts. I think we can start that up again. I hope everyone has a wonderful week and I’ll see you next weekend! ❤️

    Where I've Been
  • It Takes Guts

    It Takes Guts
    GIF by Botanical Paperworks

    Something I’m learning as I work on my overall health is just how important a healthy gut is. To feel your very best, it takes guts! And good guts at that!

    While I’m no functional health doctor or nutritionist or dietician, I’m learning a lot by reading books by functional health doctors and nutrition specialists. Even in my nutrition class during undergrad, I came to learn just how important a good gut really is. A lot of recent research shows that your gut health can have a major impact on every bodily system. So if you’re out of whack, there’s a chance it could be tied to what goes on in your intestines. There are some studies that show that the makeup of your gut microbiota can affect menstrual cycles in women and even a person’s susceptibility to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s! I’ll cite some papers I recommend you check out if you’re interested in reading more about just how impactful gut health is on overall health! You may need access to PubMed to check them out though, just a heads up. 😉

    If you’ve been under a lot of stress or taken a lot of antibiotics throughout your life the microbiome of your GI tract has suffered! High levels of stress can ultimately result in less production of stomach acid. With less stomach acid, you will likely suffer indigestion and also increase the risk of infection in your intestines. So, opportunistic organisms (whether that be bacteria or yeast) will then attack! When looking at antibiotics, those are medications that wipe out both good and bad bacteria in order to remove an infection. If you’ve taken antibiotics frequently, you’ve frequently exposed your GI tract to this clearing. Any organisms that have survived will see your cleared GI tract as an opportunity to divide to no end. Ultimately, in either situation, you are dealing with opportunistic bacteria/fungi/yeast that have taken advantage of a situation they were lucky to get. Your microbiome is in disarray and you may begin to observe symptoms like indigestion, bloating, and a variety of other less favorable symptoms.

    So now how do we take care of dysbiosis or a disruption of the healthy microbiome? See a functional health doctor! At least, that’s my recommendation, because I have found a wonderful functional health doctor and we are working to heal my gut. At least for me, something I’ve done to begin healing is eliminate glute and dairy from my diet. We plan to reintroduce some products in the future, but there will be a specific time for that. I’ll begin a specific antibiotic soon to clear a bacterial infection in my small intestines that will be properly taken in conjunction with personalized supplementation and probiotics. Watching my sugar intake and where I get my natural sugars from has also been a huge thing in helping me feel better.

    If seeing a functional health doctor is something that won’t work out for you, then there are other things to be done! You can look at different testing options offered (likely breath, stool, and urine tests). You can see what your primary care doctor recommends. You can also educate yourself through books written by functional health doctors and other experts in the field of gut health and its impact on your health and go from there. If you’ve been told nothing is wrong, but deep down you just know you’re not 100%, then be persistent. It takes guts to be pushy with people that know a lot about health. It takes guts to fight for what you need to know, but you deserve to know what’s going on and how to fix it! Most importantly, you deserve to feel your best!!

    If you’re interested in a few scholarly articles or a book related to some of the stuff I’m mentioned in my post today, feel free to check out some of my recommended reads. I hope you’re all staying happy and healthy out there! Have a wonderful week. ❤️

    Recommended Reads!
    Roy Sarkar S, Banerjee S. Gut microbiota in neurodegenerative disorders. J Neuroimmunol. 2019 Mar 15;328:98-104. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2019.01.004. Epub 2019 Jan 9. PMID: 30658292.
    Qi X, Yun C, Pang Y, Qiao J. The impact of the gut microbiota on the reproductive and metabolic endocrine system. Gut Microbes. 2021;13(1):1-21. doi:10.1080/19490976.2021.1894070
    Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten – this is a great book that talks a lot about female hormones too!!

  • About My Time at Epcot


    Hello, hello! I hope you are all doing well! Thanks for coming back. 😉 Let’s talk about Epcot, one of the four parks at Disney World! While I was in Orlando, we spent two days at Epcot, May 19th and 20th! We picked the perfect time to be in Epcot too! The Flower and Garden Festival was going on, and it was still the low season for the park (at least that’s what I saw and then also what we experienced!)

    Our first day of Epcot was spent in Mexico, Norway, China, Japan, Morocco, Germany, Italy, and also France. We arrived at Epcot just before the park opened and were able to rush in just as the rope dropped. Immediately, we were off to the rides in World Showcase, starting with the Gran Fiesta starring the Three Caballeros. I’ve always really loved Donald Duck and so it was fun to see him there. Following that, we enjoyed the Frozen ride in Norway and then after that we rushed over to France to check out Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure. Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure is relatively new to Epcot so we were worried the line was going to be super long, but when I checked the Disney World app, the wait was about 30 minutes! We booked it. By the time we arrived at the line, however, the wait had gone up to an hour, but I think we only ended up waiting about 40 minutes in the end. This ride would definitely have to be one of my favorites. We sat in the cutest little rat cars and it was as if we were the rats ourselves, sneaking around a restaurant in France. So so so much fun. There was one point on the ride where Disney even managed to make it smell like food was cooking. It was incredible!! After our ride with Remy, we stayed in France to get a small bite to eat. We had a reservation at a restaurant in Italy later that day so we didn’t want to eat lunch, but we did want something to hold us over for a bit. So, we stopped at the wonderful little French bakery, Les Halles Boulangerie Patisserie. While I wasn’t able to stick to my gluten-free diet there, the quiche and strawberry tart that I split with my sister were wonderful.

    We walked around World Showcase, sticking close to Italy, until around 3:15 pm and then we went into Tutto Italia Ristorante, the place we had our reservation at. The restaurant was very nice, there was good service, and the food was very tasty too! I had the steak with rosemary fingerling potatoes and green beans. While I enjoyed my entire meal, I would have to say the green beans were my favorite part. The food was pricey, but we were expecting that and purposefully booked a reservation there for a nice meal. We were too full for dessert otherwise I would let you know how their dessert menu was. In another time, in another time! The most special part of our first day at Epcot came after our meal. We were just walking around and my sister pointed out Stitch, and Chip, and Dale, and Meeko, and DONALD DUCK. So of course, I got a picture with him. It was pretty great. And that was a perfect ending to a perfect first day at Epcot!


    Day 2 at Epcot started with a very relaxing boat ride on Living With the Land. Following that, we did the Finding Nemo ride and had a chance to see the wonderful aquarium that Epcot has! There were dolphins and manatees and so many colorful fish and other creatures. All the animals looked and seemed pretty happy too so that made me happy. Our next ride was Figment’s Journey Through Imagination (or something like that). I didn’t know who Figment was prior to this ride, but I came to love that cute, mischievous, purple dragon. After hanging out with Figment, we headed back to World Showcase and visited the countries we had missed the day before. We visited Canada and the United Kingdom! And with that, we had pretty much finished everything we wanted to get through at Epcot. On our way out, my aunt and uncle stopped for one more Dole whip and my sister and I tried out a wonderful desert violet lemonade that is exclusive to Disney World’s 50th anniversary. I highly recommend it if you’re going to be at Epcot any time soon!!

    Dinner that night was near our resort at Ford’s Garage. The food was pretty tasty and they’ve got a lot of good looking burgers on their menu. If you’re big on cars too, this is the spot for you!

    The next day, we sent my sister home and then the following day, my aunt, uncle, and I headed home. If either my aunt or uncle is reading this, thank you so so much for such a wonderful and special trip. We truly had a blast and I just can’t thank you enough. ❤️

    Epcot was so much fun and Disney World, in general, was just so great. There are things I’d love to go back and do again and I look forward to my next trip to Florida, whenever that may be. I hope you all have a great week and I’ll see you next weekend!

  • I Went to DISNEY WORLD!

    Happy Sunday! I hope you are all doing well and that summer is off to a good start for everyone! So, I spent the last week in and around Orlando, Florida! The biggest part of my trip was a wonderful four days at Disney World (yay)!! Beside Disney World, we also visited Cape Canaveral to see the Kennedy Space Center as well as Cocoa Beach. So fun! And I apologize ahead of time, but for some reason, I haven’t been able to post pictures to my most recent blog posts, so there will be no pictures. 🙁 I’ll maybe come back in and add some pictures once I get that figured out, but in the mean time, feel free to head over to my Instagram (username: anahorvathh) to see some of the fun I had!

    Florida and Disney World

    My aunt, uncle, sister, and I arrived in Orlando last Saturday. After doing some grocery shopping and settling in, we walked around the property of the resort we stayed at, Hilton Grand Vacations Tuscany Village in Orlando. While there wasn’t much on Saturday, Sunday provided plenty of excitement at Kennedy Space Center.

    Kennedy Space Center was an hour drive from Orlando. Not too bad in my opinion! We arrived just before Kennedy Space Center opened, and we spent almost an entire day there. I didn’t expect that, but it was a lot of fun so it was totally worth it. There was a very cool rocket garden that displayed many different rocket types. I just can’t understand how they’re so big. Just can’t. My absolute favorite part of Kennedy Space Center had to be our tour of the Apollo Center. There, we got to see one of the Apollo rockets and THAT WAS A ROCKET, WOW. You have to see it for yourself to truly appreciate just how large it is. When I was little, there was a brief period where I wanted to go to space. I wanted to be an astronaut. That part of me was awakened again that day (not that I want to be an astronaut anymore, but I totally enjoyed my time at Kennedy Space Center). Space is so cool! I think my favorite attractions/buildings/whatever we want to call them from Kennedy Space Center would be the Apollo Center and the Atlantis building. The actual Atlantis space shuttle is permanently housed there too! There was true American pride at Kennedy Space Center and it was something I really appreciated. The food at Kennedy Space Center wasn’t too bad either!

    Kennedy Space Center

    After our time at Kennedy Space Center we drove a bit farther to check out Cocoa Beach. We got to see the Atlantic Ocean, almost get run over by a guy that was land windsurfing, and check out I Dream of Genie Lane! Sunday was a great day.

    Monday was our first day at a Disney park in Florida. It all began with Animal Kingdom. We got there right when the park opened, and I’m so happy we did. The crowds were not bad at all in the morning and they continued to be pretty low the rest of the day! We started our day off on the Dinosaur ride. It was much more rough than I honestly thought it was going to be. Fun ride though!! Next ride on our list was Expedition Everest. I think this was a one-and-done for me. My sister and I sat in the very front row on this one. The first half of the ride was so much fun. And then we got to the top of Everest. We looked out over Animal Kingdom. AND THEN THE RIDE STARTED GOING BACKWARD. AND SO. SO. SO. FAST. No joke, I think I actually passed out at some point on this ride. I asked my sister if I screamed after we got off the ride and she said it was the most high-pitched screaming she had ever heard. 😅 Sorry Allyson! Following that traumatizing ride, we took some time to cool down (literally). Kali River Rapids definitely cooled us down, and also soaked us. It felt really nice to get splashed so much though! I would highly recommend wearing sweat-wicking/resistant clothing to Animal Kingdom, in all honesty, because you’ll probably ride Kali River Rapids and you’ll get SOAKED. Our time at Animal Kingdom also included: a wonderful Lion King show that lasted about 20 minutes, Dole whip, lots and lots of animals, a great safari, and finally Navi River Journey.

    Boy, do I have a story regarding Navi River Journey. I loved Pandora, but we spent a good chunk of time waiting in line for this ride. We did also eat in Pandora for lunch (we ate at Satu’li Canteen!) but we spent about an hour and fifteen minutes in line for Navi River Journey. We were inching closer and closer to the front of the line and then we were told the ride broke down. It was pretty sad. In response to the sad news, we kept our eyes on the Disney World app the rest of the day but we did go do other stuff. Eventually, we saw that the ride had opened back up and we spent about another hour in line to finally ride it. Worth the wait in my opinion!!

    Our day at Animal Kingdom finished after Navi River Journey and with that, we left our first Disney World park! We finished our day up with dinner at Shake Shack which I really enjoyed and then that was about it!

    Tuesday- another day, another Disney World park! Tuesday was our day at Magic Kingdom! If I’m being honest, Magic Kingdom was actually my least favorite park. It was just really hot that day and there were much more people. I still enjoyed my time though, don’t get me wrong. Our day started at Splash Mountain which was my favorite ride at Disneyland. It was so fun!!! I was surprised to see that it was longer than Splash Mountain at Disneyland also. My sister and I didn’t wait too long in line either which was just perfect (we maybe waited 30 minutes). If you’re wanting to ride Splash Mountain at Magic Kingdom at Disney World, maybe put it at the beginning of your day like we did! Some other rides we made sure to get on were Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean. We also rode the carousel and then saw Mickey’s Philharmagic Show and the Hall of Presidents. We enjoyed lunch in the area over by the Pirates of the Caribbean ride and managed to get some more pretty good Dole whip that day too! I got the Simba Sunrise (I think that’s what it was called), which was exclusive to the 50th anniversary celebration at Disney World. Pretty yummy!!

    Our day at Magic Kingdom ended with a trip to Main Street Bakery (Starbucks, of course!!). With a pink drink in hand, I finished my day at Magic Kingdom, and we headed back to our resort. Looking back on the day at Magic Kingdom, I would really say to make sure you’re packing lots of water and sunscreen and maybe also a fan or something to help keep you cool. If you’re there in May like I was, it gets hot! And humid! So, make sure to take care of yourself.

    Disney World

    This post is getting to be pretty long, so I’ll continue my next post with all I have to say about Epcot!! I hope you all have a wonderful week. See you back here next Sunday! ❤️

  • A Bit Busy at the Moment!

    Hi everyone, I’m sorry for the extremely short post, but I’m a bit busy for the next week but I’m definitely going to have an exciting post or series of posts for you in the next few weeks.

    If you wanna follow along with where I’m at, feel free to check out my Instagram (with my username being anahorvathh)! Just thought to let you all know that I’m definitely still here, but I’ve got some stuff to go do and see and then I’ll tell you all about it. 🥰

    See you all when I’m back! Have a wonderful week! Be on the lookout for a post on Sunday, May 22nd!

  • Going Gluten and Dairy-Free

    So, it’s May now! That’s pretty crazy. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve had some health-related issues recently and in response to everything, I decided to look to a functional health doctor for some guidance and help. From our first appointment, she determined that I need to go gluten and dairy-free for a bit.

    Now this isn’t something that will solve everyone’s problems, but we’ve determined that cutting out all gluten and dairy may be a way to resolve some of my problems. I’m going to see how things go this way, and then adjust if needed in a couple of months. I’ve really only been doing this gluten and dairy-free thing for a week or two now so I don’t have much to report, but things do seem a little better which I like to see!

    When I first started this, it was reallllly shocking to see just how much gluten and dairy there is in the food we eat! Milk wasn’t a huge loss for me because I cut milk from my diet back in high school. Pasta has been out of the picture for a while now too because I’ve been sensitive to it for some time now. Instead of regular pasta, I’ve substituted for chickpea pasta and found that I like that just about the same. But looking at something like mac’ and cheese now, there’s so much to consider! No butter, no cheese, and no pasta. But if I substitute, I can maybe make it work! I think I just need to do some research and I’ll figure things out.

    Becoming more aware of how I fuel my body has been very eye-opening. I’m learning to look more into what is actually in the foods I eat and I have actually really enjoyed the process! It’s cool to be able to figure out how I can feed myself so that I feel the best I possibly can. Sometimes, it has been a bit frustrating or hard though. When the rest of my family is enjoying a dessert that I would’ve loved to eat a month or two ago, now I’m sitting out on that. But that’s ok! I honestly feel grateful to even be having a problem like this.

    I just hope that with these adjustments to my diet, I am able to start feeling better internally and that this will ultimately help me feel better about myself overall! If any of you out there are gluten and/or dairy-free and have any suggestions or tips for me, I would gladly appreciate your insight. Have a wonderful week and enjoy the beginning of your May!!

  • Easter 2022

    easter 2022

    Well Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all have had a good day. I don’t have too much to say for today, just thought to share how my Easter has been.

    We started our Easter traditions last night by dyeing some eggs which is always fun. I feel like dyeing Easter eggs is fun, no matter how old you get. We didn’t buy our egg dye until yesterday and I was so surprised that there was any left so close to Easter!! We got really lucky at Target. Target is my hero. 

    Now getting to today, my dad, sister, and I started off our Easter Sunday with some tennis which is always nice. We came home and had a yummy brunch and then a late lunch and also a later dinner! Nothing too special on the menu, but there was good food at every meal. More than anything, I was just happy to enjoy a relaxing, chill day with family. 

    Again, Happy Easter to you all and I hope you have a wonderful week. See you at the end of April!